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  1. DVC 18 - The Blues
  2. DVC18- Solitaire - By Chris Barcellos
  3. DVC 18 - Scene 7B - Roxzane Mims & Dick Mays
  4. DVC 18 - The Unexpected Perils of Everyday Life
  5. DVC18 - MGM Iron Man 3-Gun Match - Lorinda Norton
  6. DVC17 - Free Association
  7. DVC17 - Honest Work - Jeremy Doyle
  8. DVC 17 - Guitar Man - Lorinda Norton
  9. DVC17 - "It Should Have Been You."
  10. DVC #17- Begetting Violence- Chris Barcellos
  11. DVC 17 - BELOW - Mitchell Stookey
  12. DVC 17- "Delivery", Jay Kavi
  13. DVC17 Fear and Loathing on Parliament Hill
  14. DVC 17 "Dawn of the Day of the Night of the Attack of the Zombies"
  15. DVC17 - The Dead Bridegroom Takes Away the Bride - Andris Krastins
  16. DVC #17 Amsterdam- Craig Bellaire
  17. DVC17-Tweekers:A Zombie Movie-Jesse Steele
  18. DVC17 - TIME Matters - Bruce Foreman
  19. DVC17 - Azure Sunrise - Daniel Bates
  20. DVC16 "Dessert Island" by Keith Heyward
  21. DVC 16 - Baking A Living - Lorinda Norton
  22. Light Rider 2...
  23. DVC16 - Oranges are Oranges - Clint Harmon
  24. DVC 16 - "The Luncheonette" - Robert Martens
  25. DVC16 - "Food is the Way to a Man's Heart" - Joseph Tran
  26. DVC16 - Namian - by Dick Mays
  27. DVC16- LIFE by Craig Bellaire
  28. DVC16 - "Sustanance" - Andrew Hood
  29. DVC16 - "Noodle Time" - Jeremy Doyle
  30. DVC16- "Dead Of Winter- Choices Made" by Chris Barcellos
  31. DVC14 - Fish Like to Travel in Pairs - Joseph Tran
  32. DVC 14 - Hobo By Day - Lorinda Norton
  33. DVC14 - "PASSPORT" by James Huenergardt
  34. DVC 14 - "A Plumbing Lesson" - Robert Martens
  35. DVC14- "Double Time" by Aaron Fay
  36. DVC14 - "The Race"
  37. DVC14 - "The Game" by Alex Chamberlain
  38. DVCV 14 - "Candi" - by Dick Mays & Roxzane Mims
  39. DVC 14- "Light Rider" by Chris Barcellos
  40. DVC14 -"Interrogated" - Jeremy Doyle
  41. DVC14 "Further Than Distance" by Andris Krastiņš
  42. DVC 14 - "One Extra Step" - Dennis Khaye
  43. DVC14 - "Pointless" - Mugurel Dragusin
  44. DVC 13 (sort of) - Nightmare at 12 Inches - Kris Holodak
  45. DVC 13 - The Stop - Matt McLain
  46. DVC13- Chris Barcellos "A Lucky Day"
  47. DVC 13 "A Sprinkling of Justice" by Paul Firth
  48. DVC 13 "The Devil's Due" by Bruce Foreman
  49. DVC 13 - Leprechauns - Lorinda Norton
  50. DVC13 - Mugurel Dragusin - NOT ME