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  1. DVC 7 - Lorinda Norton "Memoirs of a DVC Diva"
  2. DVC#7 - Meet The Rod
  3. DVC7 - Bruce Foreman - Lucky One
  4. DVC 7 - Brent Graham - "The Rose"
  5. DVC7-Bradley Marlow "PICKLES and BLACKJACK"
  6. DVC 7 - Dennis Khaye's "last Christmas"
  7. DVC7- "Forgotten" by Chris Barcellos
  8. DVC7 - Sean McHenry - "Reindeer Murder"
  9. DVC7-Fossenkemper, Martens "Two Guys in the Woods by a River"
  10. DVC 7 - Mike Horrigan - "THE GIFT"
  11. DVC 7 - Darryl Ahye - "Une Perte Tragique"
  12. DVC 7-Michael Gilbert-Model No.La 504
  13. DVC 7 - Jamey Hastings - Laundry Day
  14. DVC7 - Kris Holodak - Christmas Past
  15. DVC7 - Bill Gardner - Tanks for the Memories
  16. Adrinn Chellton rethinks career goals...
  17. DVC6 Feedback - PLAN B
  18. Overall DVC6 Kudos = Lazy Bill's Feedback
  19. DVC 6 Feedback - Bloody Sunday
  20. DVC 6 Feedback :: Fresh Baked (James Huenergardt)
  21. DVC 6 Feedback - The Bright Side
  22. DVC 6 Feedback - Robert Martens "That Wouldn't Happen"
  23. DVC6 Feedback - Colton Davie "Striving After Wind"
  24. DVC 6 Feedback - Justin Jesselli - Tageslicht 8/17
  25. DVC 6 Feedback - Eric Gan (The Prophecy)
  26. DVC 6 Feedback, Cage, Hugo Pinto
  27. DVC 6- Face The Problem - Darryl Ahye
  28. DVC 6: "Mandy's Letter"
  29. DVC 6 feedback, Dennis Khaye, "Allegory of the Cave"
  30. DVC 6 - Lorinda Norton - Mirage
  31. DVC 6, feedback "The Sun don't shine"
  32. DVC 6 Feedback - Brand New Day
  33. DVC #6 Feedback - Dog Days
  34. DVC 6 Feedback - Mick Isdes (Polarized)
  35. DVC#6 - Michael Fossenkemper "RA Boogie"
  36. DVC #6 Feedback - Bruce Broussard - Spontaneity
  37. DVC#6 - Mike Teutsch "Man's Best Friend"
  38. DV Challenge #6 Feedback- Man's Best Friend
  39. DVC #6 - Justin Tomchuk - Canadian Bistro Division
  40. DVC #6 - Hugh DiMauro (Supernatural unexplained Netherworld)
  41. DVC 6 Feedback - Replaced by Kris Holodak
  42. DVC 6 Feedback - "Depths of SADness"
  43. DVC #6 Chris Barcellos Tell Me: Why My Movie About The Sun Stinks
  44. DVC #6 - Chris Barcellos
  45. DVC #6 - Mugurel Dragusin
  46. DVC #6 Feedback: Bill Gardner (Sun Burns)
  47. DVC #6 Feedback - Ed Sloanker (An Hour In The Sun)
  48. DVC 6 Feedback - "Bent Rays"
  49. Finally after all this time...
  50. DVC5 Feedback - Death After Life