View Full Version : Canon VIXIA Series AVCHD and HDV Camcorders

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  1. Need help with purchase.
  2. HV-30 Helmetcam
  3. protective filter for WD-43 lens
  4. accessory for charging camcorder overseas?
  5. Winter impressions in a nature preserve in south germany
  6. HV40 Replacement Still Buzzes
  7. HFS11 Questions - pink dot when filming sunset; custom dial sensitivity
  8. HD-Video Winterdreams
  9. Need Help with editing software
  10. HF 200 noob question on frame rates
  11. Canon ViXIA's focuses on background, NOT subject, when BG has a pattern. You noticed?
  12. 24p native?
  13. HV-30 White Balence
  14. Looking for a family camcorder..HG HF or HV?
  15. Priority Shutter Workarounds?
  16. Canon HV 40 Audio Drop...Help!
  17. Problem Monitoring HF11 via HDMI to Acer Monitor
  18. Seeking Advice on Another Camera NOT a HV40
  19. HV40 pulldown removal for FCP 6 help
  20. Question for folks shooting 24p w/HV20 or HV30
  21. HV30-settings
  22. Screen Grabs HV20
  23. Newbie who hates his 10 day old HD Canon, please help
  24. Canon USA Introduces New VIXIA Lineup
  25. HG10 footage slowed down glitches
  26. HV40 has Really Loud Buzzing from Tape Drive
  27. Chilled HV30
  28. Audio for gig will Videomic do?
  29. Lens hood for HV30
  30. Lens shadow (while zooming in close)
  31. Old user, new camera
  32. Summer in Morocco
  33. How Long Till HFS10 Price Drop? Is it much better than the HF11?
  34. just got my hv40 today
  35. Newest BP-827 Fully Decoded Battery
  36. Canon hg21 standard def setup?
  37. Major issues with HV40 and Canon service...
  38. transfer video from HDD
  39. HG20 vs HF10? Main thing- Any Problems With HDD and can it be bypassed?
  40. Vixia HF21 File Change Glitch
  41. HF-S10/11/100 Full 1920 HD?
  42. transfer very slow
  43. Telephoto lens for HV40?
  44. HF100 Footage Creating Log and Transfer Glitch in FCP 7
  45. Great sale on HF10 refurb
  46. HF20 - Cannot change video size?!
  47. Problem on Sony Vegas Pro 9.0c
  48. HV40 with and M2
  49. Problem with HDV playback
  50. Jag35ST