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  1. UWOL 39 - The results
  2. UWOL 39 - Fuego - by Paul Wood
  3. UWOL 39 - Traces of the past - by Trond Saetre
  4. UWOL 39 - Vikna by Hege Johansen
  5. UWOL 39 It Ain't Pixar, But It's Fun by Steve Siegel
  6. UWOL 39 - Watch them here
  7. UWOL 39 Shark Tank
  8. UWOL 39 - Tales of wonders and woes
  9. UWOL 39 - Theme release - GO GO GO
  10. UWOL 39 - Sign up here
  11. Feedback and voting procedures
  12. Separate catagory within the challenge
  13. UWOL 38 - The results
  14. UWOL#38-Recreation "Refreshment of one's mind and body" by Bob Safay
  15. UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav
  16. UWOL38 In Search of Wild Horses Enjoying Leisure by Eric and Theresa Olson
  17. UWOL 38 - Texas Spring by LeRoy Gunderson
  18. UWOL#38 - To the top of the world, and back again by Geir Inge B. Brekke
  19. UWOL 38, Make a Joyful Noise! By Cat Russell
  20. UWOL 38 A dream Holiday, by Mick Jenner
  21. Feedback threads uwol38
  22. UWOL #38 Watch them here
  23. UWOL38 The Shark tank
  24. Modification to the new trial rule?
  25. Okay, Another Wild Idea
  26. Just a wild idea
  27. UWOL 38 - Tales of wonders and woes
  28. UWOL 38 - Theme
  29. UWOL 38 - Sign up here
  30. UWOL37 - The results
  31. The value of critique and what to look for
  32. UWOL 37 - "Distractions and Dangers" by Andrew Hood
  33. My, a bit anemic this round! But... "why?" ;-)
  34. UWOL #37 - Natures Impact
  35. UWOL #37 - Balancing Act - by Marj Atkins
  36. UWOL 37 - Why does the stork live in towns? by Paul Wood
  37. UWOL 37 Why Do Reddish Egrets Dance
  38. UWOL-37 Why? The answer!
  39. UWOL 37 - Watch them here
  40. UWOL 37: The Little Book of Why by Cat Russell
  41. UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes
  42. UWOL37 - Theme release
  43. UWOL 37 - Sign up here
  44. New Year Resolutions?
  45. UWOL 36 - The results
  46. "Sculpted By Nature" by Andrew Hood - UWOL 36
  47. Judging and voting - UWOL36
  48. UWOL #36 Vishal Jadhav - November
  49. Fire & Ice by Kevin J Railsback - UWOL 36
  50. UWOL #36 "Harness the Wind" by Bob Safay