View Full Version : Will leopard improve editing and how.

Gary Williams
October 16th, 2007, 09:50 AM
Soon to be released in 10 days I have listen to many say when leopard comes out it will be a great thing so how will it benifit editing or will it thats my question.

Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard

Add a new Mac to your Mac. Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard is packed with over 300 new features, installs easily, and works with the software and accessories you already have.

Choose a single-user license for home or office. Or if you have more than one Mac at home, choose the five-user Family Pack.*

Jim Fields
October 16th, 2007, 12:15 PM
I would hope better memory management, better multi processor management, that is all I care for.

Robert Lane
October 18th, 2007, 09:08 PM
Leopard will take FCS2 to the next level.

What many don't know, is that built into the code of FCS2 is the ability to take advantage of the revamped Core Audio and the new Core Animation engines that will be in Leopard. It will also boost Compressors ability to use multi-threaded (segmented) encodes (Qmaster already allows you to create a mult-cluster on a MacPro) which will speed up any encode jobs - especially non-multithreaded codecs such as HDV and H.264.

Although there's little to support the rumour, it's possible soon after Leopard is released may also be either a major update to DVDSP-4 or *maybe* even DVDSP-5 allowing native Blu-Ray authoring.

Optical Flow remtiming/resizing work will also see a significant speed increase with Leopard since Core Animation will allow CPU segmenting for those background tasks. NOTE: Expect to have lots of RAM in reserve for all this multi-threading - probably no less than 8GB would be recommended.

One thing I want to point out about anyone considering upgrading to Leopard: You *absolutely MUST* do a clean-install - do not "upgrade" from 10.4. Unlike the change from 10.3 to .4 which was mostly a face-lift on memory handling and a few new features, Leopard is a paradigm shift in Mac OSX; everthing from how the Finder operates to audio codec handling and most especially video rendering engines is a complete code-rewrap, not just a enhancement of a previous OS.

The caveat - as with any major OS changes - is to completely finish any projects you are currently working on and deliver them to your clients *before* you make the upgrade. I guarantee, that all versions of FCS will have some serious bugs that need to be worked out on the first iteration of 10.5 that won't be addressed until the first couple of service-pack updates. Keep your 10.4 install disks or better yet, make a complete image of your boot drive just in case Leopard gives you some deep cat-scratches when trying to work with the pro apps their first time out on the new OS.

Chris Hocking
October 19th, 2007, 06:10 AM
Nice post Robert! Some good advice there as well!

Gary Williams
October 19th, 2007, 07:06 AM
Yes Robert nice post!

Greg Boston
October 19th, 2007, 07:16 AM
make a complete image of your boot drive just in case Leopard gives you some deep cat-scratches when trying to work with the pro apps their first time out on the new OS.

That is the best thing to do IMO if you want to be an early adopter. Make a clone of your system drive just before the switch so that you can go back to where you were before upgrading.


Bryan Gilchrist
October 19th, 2007, 12:57 PM
I have it on pre-order, but I think I'll wait a few days to see if anyone else has problems before I install it.

I had problems recently with the Studio 2 upgrade, but those were fixed after I did an update after the upgrade.

Robert Lane
October 24th, 2007, 10:46 PM
The last update for MacOS 10.4, ".11" will be released this evening, a full two days ahead of Leopard.

For you early adopters, be sure you make an "image" of your current boot disk and make backups of all your personal data that lives on secondary or external drives *before* you upgrade to 10.5. And, do a clean install - read my post above as to why.

Mathieu Ghekiere
October 25th, 2007, 02:15 AM
If people upgrade to Leopard, working with FCS 2, or in general, it would be nice to get some heads-up here how it's going.
How the OSX is, but also, how it's improving editing, if you can see any improvements.


Robert Lane
October 26th, 2007, 07:26 PM
The last update for MacOS 10.4, ".11" will be released this evening, a full two days ahead of Leopard.

Only god and Jobs knows what happened to this update, but so far it's M.I.A. Three different - and normally reliable - sources indicated this updates release, now it's questionable as to whether it's coming at all. Speculation abounds that since Leopard is now officially out the ".11" update for 10.4 will simply not be distributed, instead to allow engineers to handle what will most certainly be a flood of bug reports and compatiblity issues with 10.5.

Time will tell...