View Full Version : Beachtek vu meter question

John DeLuca
June 7th, 2003, 02:39 PM
I have a beachtek vu meter for my beacktek dxa-6. My question deals with the levels of power the lights should be at. Is there a general rule of thumb or a link to a chart that would show me what range to keep sound in for different situations? Im suprised it didnt come with one. Thanks for the help.

John DeLuca

Tustin Larson
June 7th, 2003, 04:20 PM
John, A good rule of thumb when working with audio on a digital camcorder is to keep the levels around 14 on the meters. With analog audio, 0 is the key level, but for digital, around 14 is the way to go.

Can any of our audio experts expand on this a bit more???


John DeLuca
June 8th, 2003, 01:41 PM
So should I let it peak at 12 or keep it in general around 12? Maybe just slightly peaking above 12? Thanks for the advice by the way.

John DeLuca

John DeLuca
June 8th, 2003, 01:44 PM
sorry thats 14.

John DeLuca

Tustin Larson
June 9th, 2003, 02:09 AM
Try keeping levels around 14 peak at 8ish... I wish I could give you a more technical answer... hehe
