View Full Version : High Precision YUV and Magic Bullet

Daniel Alexander
May 12th, 2008, 12:59 PM
Hello, I'm having trouble trying to render my timeline in high precision yuv (in sequence settings) with the magic bullet plugin applied. Out of all my plugins, even magic bullet misfire, magic bullet looks is the only plugin that will give me this error message when trying to do a timeline render or final rende (THE EFFECT "LOOKS" FAILED TO RENDER. YOUR HARDWARE CANNOT RENDER AT THE REQUESTED SIZE AND DEPTH).

Now i know the obvious tells me that my hardware isnt up to the render but for some reason i believe there is a work-around which will still allow me to edit in high precision YUV and use magic bullet, this is very important to me as im grading a film which requires heavy colour manipulation. Heres the specs of what im working with to give you a better understanding:

FCP 6.3
1080P EX1 timeline
sequene settings to high precison yuv
graphics card: ati radeon hd2600 256 mb
4 gig ram
quad core machine

Any ideas people?

Pavel Tomanec
November 19th, 2009, 04:44 AM
Had the same problem and did some research. Apparently this is caused if you have a dual screen - software bug. Unplug your second monitor restart FCP before final render and it should work. It does for me.

Solution found here:

Magic Bullet Looks- Failed To render- Hardware - -- The online community for filmmaking (

Hope this helps albeit a bit late. :-)
