View Full Version : used gl2 price

John Okafor
July 10th, 2008, 11:23 AM
Hi Guys,

I am a new kid on the block and for that I can't see the Buy and Sell forum on this site. Chris told me it would take about 60 days to have access. I'm on the market for a used GL2. This will be my first ever camcorder. Could someone please tell me about how much they are going for? Basically how much should I plan to spend on one?


John Stakes
July 10th, 2008, 11:30 AM
first I would like to recommend that you do research on what camcorder you want/need, what type of work you will be doing, and what the final product will be.

then I would simply check around eGay...just as a reference. It is always tricky buying used gear, but sometimes it is your only choice. Every once in awhile you get lucky and find something on one of the sposor's sites (listed below).

good luck


John Okafor
July 10th, 2008, 11:51 AM
Hi John,

Thank you for your reply but what is eGay or do you mean eBay. Sorry for my ignorance.

Mark Holland
July 10th, 2008, 12:41 PM

That's good advice from John.

What I did...Poke around eBay a bit to get a feel for prices. Go to the 'sold' section to see what they sold for, not what people are hoping to get. Next, get around some shooters in your area (there are quite a few in Raleigh) and find out if they know of anyone wanting to sell their GL-2 because they're upgrading, or simply getting out of the business. Last, beware of "too good to be true" deals. They probably aren't such good deals.

Good luck,


Oh, to answer your question, my guess is in the ballpark of $800 to $1300 depending on condition and extras included.