View Full Version : review of HD2000

Kurth Bousman
February 12th, 2009, 10:11 AM
with a movie file

Sanyo Xacti HD2000 Review - PhotographyBLOG (

John Hedgecoe
February 13th, 2009, 01:58 AM
Pretty useless review, especially for what is supposed to be an HD Video camera. They spend a lot of time reviewing the still images but barely mention the video quality of the camera.
And perhaps more important, they did no comparison of video quality of the 2000 with the 1010 model it replaces.
I'll wait for a professional review.

Kurth Bousman
February 13th, 2009, 09:53 AM
yeh camcorderinfo might do one but did you download the 71mb file ? I'm not interested enough but someone who wants this smallform type camera should at least check out the included movie file. Yes it is a still photography site therefore more attention is paid to the still capabilities obviously. Personally I'm waiting for some info on the WH-1.

Paulo Teixeira
February 18th, 2009, 10:36 PM
That’s an extremely poor example. It’s true that some people aren’t used to a pistil grip design but that’s why theirs a standard shaped version which is cheaper. Also, the clip says 16.4MBPS when Sanyo says 1080 60p goes up to 24MBPS. I don’t think the average should be much less than that. Something is wrong.

It’s best to wait until we see much more examples.

Anyway, here’s a better example and it’s bit rate is 24.26MBPS:

I saw it posted here:

Direct link to the review the sample is from:
You'll find more full HD samples that are all slightly over 24MBPS. The review is a few pages long.


Joey Atilano
March 19th, 2009, 11:39 PM
I have downloaded a few files from Vimeo and one off this thread but all I get is a green thumbnail and timeline in Vegas 7 . Would the 60P clips work in Vegas8?

John Hedgecoe
March 20th, 2009, 07:48 AM
Yes, Vegas 8 works, sort of.

Better yet, try VLC Player. available here...

VLC media player - Overview (

Joey Atilano
March 23rd, 2009, 06:51 PM
John , you can edit in VLC player?

I downloaded Vegas 8 pro and now instead of green thimnails in vegas 7 I get an instant crash. It's Vegas 8Pro C.

Any one know the secret to play with these 60P clips?

John Hedgecoe
March 24th, 2009, 07:22 AM
John , you can edit in VLC player?

I downloaded Vegas 8 pro and now instead of green thimnails in vegas 7 I get an instant crash. It's Vegas 8Pro C.

Any one know the secret to play with these 60P clips?

VLC Player is, as the name suggests, just a media player. So no, you cannot edit with it. But it is also a very good media player that has historically handled just about anything thrown at it. Hence my suggestion to try it to play the sanyo clips. Since it's free, you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.

As for vegas crashing, experience has taught me that having some of the codec 'packs' installed on your system can be detrimental.

Another thought... the mpeg codecs are licensed and as such may not be available in 'trial/demo' software. You must have a licensed version of the product for the codecs to work. I know for a fact that this is the case with premier pro. Not sure about vegas.