View Full Version : GL2 Vs. sony pd150

Shane Slack
January 27th, 2004, 01:51 AM
Okay if this has been covered then im sorry, just point me in the right direction and lock the thread. But if it hasnt (and i dont recall it being so) then how well does the canon gl2 stack up against the sony pd150. I have seen some clips shot with a pd150 and really liked what i saw, but then i noticed its also a few grand more than the gl2. So can the gl2 produce simular results? Is the pd150 really worth the extra cash for a tight ars like me?

Ken Tanaka
January 27th, 2004, 02:17 AM
Hello Shane,
Yes, we have many posts/threads here that discuss this comparison from a variety of angles. Do a Search on "PD150", limiting the search to this forum, and you'll find quite a few pages worth. You may want to pay special attention to the threads dealing with matching footage between the two cameras, since these collaterally reveal observations on comparative characteristics.

Two additional notes:
First, you are not comparing apples to apples. The PD150 is more kindred to the Canon XL1s in it's general engineering, hence the noted difference in price.

Second, if I were looking for a good competitor to the PD150 (actually, the PD170 today) with the same "handycam" form factor I would also look at the Panasonic AG-DVC80 ( See our DVX100/DVX80 forum for more info on this.

Shane Slack
January 27th, 2004, 11:30 AM
Thanks for the input. The AG-DVC80 seems to be more in my price range. I will get to searching and see what people have to say. Thanks again, you were a big help.