View Full Version : XM2 Translucent White Balance Lens Cap?

Graham Bernard
February 2nd, 2004, 10:48 AM
I remember my old Panasonic Analogue cammie had a translucent lens cap. The "clip" inside the cap acted as a "focus" point. It was very easy to focus and WB with the lens cap on. Anybody know of an equiv for the XM2? Would make life very easy indeed . . .. no searching for "white" items to WB against?


Andrew Hogan
February 2nd, 2004, 09:50 PM
My old Panasonic MX300 had the same thing (translucent lens cap) and it worked well as I didn't need to carry a white cloth or card around. I wonder why all caps aren't like this, are they not accurate enough white balancing this way?

Graham Bernard
February 3rd, 2004, 01:33 AM
Thanks Andrew. How accurate is a white cloth or card? See my point? I could always rinse, clean and dry the cap. But yes. I feel the positive options far outstretch the possible technical downsides. I used to love that little WB thing . . it just worked!

Maybe one needs to have the "light" reflected rather than seen through. I don't know . .


Ken Tanaka
February 3rd, 2004, 01:08 PM
I, too, remember those old caps. I suspect that the reason they're not around any more is because they didn't work well. Remember that the basic job of white balance is to normalize white against light reflected from a subject. In that regard, the placement of a white card target can be critical in a mixed light setting (most settings). Balancing on light refracted through a transluscent white plastic lens cap would not produce reliable results.

Graham Bernard
February 3rd, 2004, 01:43 PM
Yeah, Ken, my thoughts were corect on the "reflected" light front . . pity really . . .


Evan Kubota
February 4th, 2004, 04:20 PM
I just use the back of an index card... cheap, light, and simple. Just throw a few in your camera case or keep one in your wallet.

Graham Bernard
February 4th, 2004, 11:55 PM
Oh yes, the ole "White Index Card" function!! Okay . . I'll do this instead . .
