View Full Version : Accesories for nature/sunsets filming?

Prech Marton
May 11th, 2004, 04:23 AM
I have my XM2 in 4 days.
What accessories should i buy?

OK, the largest battery. Many dv cassettes.

I have a cookin filter holder for my graduated ND filter.
I have a linear polarizer (for saturated clouds).
I will buy a wide angle lens (wd58, isn't a cheaper solution?)
And after this there is place for the lens hood?

What do you recommend for this type of work?

Robin Davies-Rollinson
May 11th, 2004, 04:37 AM
You haven't mentioned a tripod - that should be high priority.


Prech Marton
May 11th, 2004, 07:04 AM
Yes, yes, i have a manfrotto monopod and a 3legs cheap tripod too.

Trond Saetre
May 12th, 2004, 02:41 AM
Get an UV filter.
(A lens hood comes standard with your XM2.)

If you buy the Canon wideangle lens, make sure you get the WD58H. (This version includes a lens hood)
The (old) WD58 does not include the lens hood.

Prech Marton
May 12th, 2004, 05:57 AM
The XM2 lens doesn't have an UV filter already?
I'm afraid that to much filter/glass will degrade my picture quality, and generate more lensflare.

"If you buy the Canon wideangle lens"

Yeah, IF.
Are there any recommended, cheap models?

How can i combine my filters:
Can i use the WD58 with ND graduated in cokin holder and a polarizer? Is this not to much?

Frank Granovski
May 12th, 2004, 06:06 AM
You might want to add a Cokin Sunsoft 81B or 81A for softer, yellowed sunsets. It gives a nice effect. The 81A is less soft than the Sunsoft and 81B.

Boyd Ostroff
May 12th, 2004, 07:49 AM
If you're shooting directly into the sun then you'll need a pretty dense ND filter in combination with the internal ones. Careful not to damage your camera!

Prech Marton
May 12th, 2004, 08:34 AM
I don't know. I look at the cookin catalog and don't like the effect of the sunsoft filter (ref694) Do i really need this blurry look?
Anyway, i cut my film in NLE, so perhaps i don't need any colour filter. But graduated ND imho is a nice filter.

What kind of ND filter has the XM2, a 10% one?
A lot of light is on the top half of the picture, so i guess i don't need to buy a normal ND, the graduated ND will be enough.

Cosmin Rotaru
May 13th, 2004, 05:54 AM
"I have a cookin filter holder for my graduated ND filter"

Hey, Prech, is that filter holder "P" series? I want to buy one of thouse but I'm not sure how well it will fit under the XM2 microphone. I'm especialy concern with the use of the gradual ND. I'm thinking is not posible to slide it up to much because of the mic... The "P" series is quite big.

BTW: could you post a pic with the cokin holder attached to the XM2? I wonder how it looks! :)
(I'd also like a lens hood over that holder!)

Prech Marton
May 13th, 2004, 06:03 AM
We have tested a P series filter with no problem on xm2.
I have my xm2 only in saturday, so after that i can photo anything you want :)

Prech Marton
May 16th, 2004, 11:08 PM
Hey Cosmin!

I have my XM2 finally!!

And here are the pics:

As you can see, there is enough space for cookin "P" holder.
But filters. Well, with my friend's cookin grad nd (121S) was not a problem. There is about 1.5cm space between the holder and the mic.

But Tiffen (or somebody else) made a longer filter, so be careful.

Frank Granovski
May 17th, 2004, 12:34 AM
Yup! That's the Cokin filter holder. I should buy one one of these days. Has anyone found a solution with mounting a hood onto it? That's the only thing holding me back and sticking with Cokin's regular screw-ons.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
May 17th, 2004, 01:34 AM
Cokin make a modular square lens hood. You can add more for extra light shielding. They just clip onto the filter holder. Being square, they do however make the camera look a bit like the Panasonic DVX100, but you'll have to live with that......


Frank Granovski
May 17th, 2004, 01:41 AM
How deep (long) is this hood? I think I know the one and it's not too deep, unless Cokin has a new, deeper hood? My Cokin catalog is a few years old.

Cosmin Rotaru
May 17th, 2004, 02:05 AM
Thank you Prech!
Ok then, I'll order one holder + one lens hood! :)

Robin Davies-Rollinson
May 17th, 2004, 02:06 AM
They're not deep. That's the point about them being modular - you just clip an extra one on as needed.


Frank Granovski
May 17th, 2004, 02:24 AM
You mean 1 hood can be attached to another one? Didn't know that.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
May 17th, 2004, 02:54 AM
I bought three, but never used more than two - then I acquired the Arii matte box. Pity you live so far away ;-)


Frank Granovski
May 17th, 2004, 04:19 AM
I flipped 1 page back and saw the description. Funny that I never looked at that page.

You bought 3 Cokin adaptors?

Robin Davies-Rollinson
May 17th, 2004, 04:30 AM
No, not three adapters, three lens shades! They can be clipped together as required, but three was too much , except for telephoto.
They slide onto the adaper.

Prech Marton
May 17th, 2004, 04:33 AM
2 or 3 hood can be vignetting the xm2 picture, doesn't?

Robin Davies-Rollinson
May 17th, 2004, 05:41 AM
Two won't, three might at extreme wide angle.


Graham Bernard
May 28th, 2004, 05:49 AM

I've had a go at the P series.:

1 - There is an extension ring that takes the box beyond the mic.

2 - There is no location screw to STOP the whole box from "spinning-around" .. bit like Kylie . .. silly ommission.

3 - Has anybody tried the circ polarizer with the serrated edge? Tried it, didn't like the way IMHO it hurt my fingers ! ! !

4 - Anybody tried the Bellows with the thing?

5 - Frank, you get extra Cokin square units to clip on . .. yeah?
