View Full Version : polarizer as default filter

Pietro Jona
June 10th, 2004, 04:40 AM
Hi all,
I'm leaving tomorrow for a short working trip to central asia. The pamirs, high altitude pastures, deserts and mountains. I've bought yesterday a polarizer, thinking about the blue skies that I'm going to see. two questions:
-i never used a polarizer with a video camera: is it just like for pictures, "what you see is what you get"? Any tip?
-I usually have a uv filter as a protection for the lens of my XM2 and I don't feel that comforable changing filters in the dust. Would it make sense to leave the polarizer on the lens and always use it (at least for outdoor shooting)?

Yohann Kouam
June 10th, 2004, 07:18 AM
it u got permanent sunny conditions that would make sense, if not your pictures are gonna get too dark when it's getting...dark

Pietro Jona
June 23rd, 2004, 01:29 AM
Hi, just got back..
the problem I had with the polarizer is that this filter is definitely not ideal for 'point and shoot' situations like the one I was dealing with..
Using the polarizer means checking its effects and adjusting it all the time, not an easy thing to do with the hood on and inside a 4wd bouncing on a dirt road at 4000m. Many fingerprints on my filter and lens cleaning job!
The next trip will hopefully be a slow one and I'll use a tripod and -for sure- the polarizer..