View Full Version : polarizer for "fishing" adventures
July 26th, 2002, 08:38 AM
I'm using a GL1 to shoot a friend's fishing trip. Do I "need" a polarizer? I know when I fish I used polarized sunglasses, does the GL1 benefit from such a polarizing effect?
D. Ward
P.S. Also any advice for shooting on the water (from a boat) would be appreciated as well.

July 26th, 2002, 01:24 PM
One of the most useful characteristics of a polarizer filter is that it cuts glare. When outdoors shooting through a window, either light from the sun or sky will partially reflect off that window and obscure the camera's ability to see objects past the glass.

A polarizer significantly cuts away that reflected glare and the camera is able to better see "through" the window.

It would stand to reason that in your fishing shoot, a polarizer filter would cut away the reflected glare of the sky and let the camera see through that surface into the water. Unlike your polarized sunglasses, a filter should be designed to rotate freely. This lets the user "dial out" the directional polarized light to maximize it's effect.

It's not like hauling an additional filter is a Herculean task. At worst, if it didn't work for you then take off the filter.

Jeff Donald
July 26th, 2002, 02:56 PM
This thread makes for some long reading, but will answer just about everything and anything you'd want to know about polarizers. I hope it helps.


Mike Avery
July 27th, 2002, 08:23 AM
As far as shooting on the water there are a couple things to keep in mind...

It's very tough to hand hold a steady shot if there's any kind of chop at all.

Your best best is to stay physically close to your subject and keep the camera zoomed out to a wide shot. Use your body as a shock absorber to smooth out the movement.

Also, if you're close enough to see shore remember to keep the horizon level in the background. It can be very distracting if it's drastically slanted.

And finally be sure to bring along a towel and lens cleaning materials. Your camera is going to get wet, and flopping fish will throw water on the lens.

Have fun,

mike avery