View Full Version : Trading Spaces Inside Out.

Kevin Galliford
July 12th, 2004, 10:07 AM
Just saw trading spaces inside out lastnight, and one of the designer peopel were carrying around a GL2 with a WD58-H. How awesom is that? I know they use the GL2 on the show all the time for one of the "catch all the action" cam's. Just thought I'de share, it was a 2 hour special with all the behind the scenes action, it was neat you got to see all the cam's and lighting they use.

Graham Bernard
July 12th, 2004, 11:28 AM
Yeah, Guy! You should check me stuff out when I's doing me stuff - I's the Canine's Testicles - with I's WD58h and me Senni thing on top - Bumachacka!

.. .

[sorry Kenneth . .seemed to have got carried away .. don't you know .. What, what!]

Kevin Galliford
July 12th, 2004, 11:38 AM
Ok can you please speak english?

Graham Bernard
July 12th, 2004, 11:53 AM
Well hello Kevin,

Just to add to your original comment, I must say that when I am in fact working on a job, having the XM2 with al the extras on it does in turn heads.

Yours sincerely
