View Full Version : Deleting Still Images From The Finder

Steve Garfield
August 2nd, 2002, 08:38 AM
I just opened my GL2 with the Mac OS X Finder and dragged all my photos into the trash.

When I turned the camera on to take pictures, even though the GL2 knew that there were NO PICTURES on the SD media, the storage space that they had taken up was not reclaimed.

So to fix this I hooked up the GL2 back to the Mac and dragged the pictures back onto the GL2. Then I used the GL2's menu to delete all the photos.

When I went back into Camera mode my space was reclaimed.

Did I miss something?

After I deleted the photos by dragging them to the trash was I supposed to empty the trash? Would the GL2 understand this?


Ken Tanaka
August 2nd, 2002, 08:43 AM
I suspect that you had to empty the trash to reclaim the space just like you would with any other removable storage device. To your Mac the GL2 (actually, it's flash card) probably looks just like any other disk drive.

Steve Garfield
August 2nd, 2002, 09:07 AM

I figured.

I'll try it again, after I make sure that everything in my trash is REALLY trash.

You know how you might need to reclaim something from the trash some day?


Michael Westphal
August 2nd, 2002, 12:09 PM
Yes the GL2 understands emptying the trash. The Mac does treat the card as any other removeable drive. Heck, it even stores icons on the card if you drag files over. The GL2 happily ignores anything except for the files it recognises. The GL2 has quite a good and complete USB implementation.