View Full Version : Repair Cost of GL2 Tape Eject

Jim Underwood
August 16th, 2004, 07:36 PM
Anyone have any idea what the cost might be to repair a GL2 tape eject mechanism? If you don't know, any idea where I could get an estimate?

The problem is described as:
It does not properly eject the tapes. The metal housing that holds the tape in place appears to be stuck and does not raise or open. It also appears as if that part of the camera was disassembled at some point possibly in an attempt to repair it.

I have an opportunity to buy it for a few hundred dollars. I'm trying to determine if it would be worth it.


Ken Tanaka
August 16th, 2004, 07:50 PM
You'll have to contact Canon Service ( for any accurate estimate, James.

Jim Underwood
August 16th, 2004, 08:08 PM
Thanks for the quick reply Ken.

Talked to Canon support. They can't give any estimates (even a "ball-park" est) over the phone. They have to look at the camcorder.

Would you consider it very high risk to pay $400-$500 for a camcorder in this condition?

Ken Tanaka
August 16th, 2004, 08:51 PM
This is just my opinion, so please take it for whatever it may be worth to you.

Personally, I would pass on this camera. A $500 repair bill (and that's not an unreasonably high estimate at all) would represent a significant percentage of the cost of a -new- camera. I think you can do better with a little more digging.