View Full Version : recording from VCR question

Joshua White
January 18th, 2005, 05:05 PM
I love this board, it's very educational...
I wish to use my GL2 to record VHS videos to DV. The GL2 manual advises to hook up your VCR to the GL2 via an s-video output & the left/right audio outs.
However, i cannot locate any VCR's that feature an s-video output. All the new VCR's have the standard cable out & the 3 jack audio/video outputs.
Does anyone have advice on how to hook up a standard VCR to the GL2 without the s-video connection? Is there a conversion cable or a cable that can utilize the 3 jack output?
I had connected the 3 prong cable that came with the camera but i did not get a picture. The GL2 manual advises to disregard the video out & connect the audios only. So i am lost!
Thanks in advance, Josh

Willy Woo
January 18th, 2005, 11:46 PM
I've recorded an analog camcorder to my GL2. You'll need the cable that came with your camera. One end plugs into the DV input/output port of the GL2 and the other end is the 3 RCA jacks (That plugs into the vcr). When you are recording, you'll be able to see & hear the video, on the GL2. Look into your GL2 User Manual on page 96 for the direction.

Good luck!

Rob Lyons
January 20th, 2005, 02:48 PM
make sure you go into your vcr menu and turn on the av-dv, analog-digital converter on to record from vhs to dv

Joshua White
January 20th, 2005, 06:28 PM
thank you kindly all, both your tips solved my problem.

K. Forman
January 21st, 2005, 08:36 AM
Joshua- I picked up a nice JVC S-VHS at Circuit City for about $80-120... forget how much, it's been a year or two ;) Believe me, I had to search to find it, but it can be done.