View Full Version : Shure a96f and at897, mic off or on?

Eric Hess
June 10th, 2005, 09:10 PM
I got my at897 from b&h the other day with the shure adapter
My question is since the default output is 150? should i have the setting for mic on or off? Only reason i ask is beacuse I don't feel safe rewiring the adapter to have a higher output beause I'm leaving the country soon and don't want any suprises where i have to buy things over. When i have the mic att. on i can only hear my tv through my headset if the mic is pointing <2' away. With it off i can hear the tv from 20 feet+ away . If you really think that i should just rewire, then i will.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
June 11th, 2005, 12:49 AM
You shouldn't need any attenuation at all for use with the AT897 mic - or any mic, come to that.
It's only needed when you get line level.


David Ennis
June 11th, 2005, 10:22 AM
Eric, Try this:

Put the AT897 and the Shure adapter on the GL2 with the GL2 in manual audio mode and its gain controls set at mid range, and MIC ATT OFF. Point them at a TV running at normal listening volume from 5-10 feet away. The level meters on the GL2 should be hitting peaks reasonably close to the middle of the scale. You should be able to adjust the gain controls to get the peaks to hit -12 dB (the large dot on the GL2 meters) or a little above, and still have plenty of adjusment room left. If so, you're fine.

Some mics (Sennheser ME66, AT4073) will overload the GL2's input with MIC ATT OFF just with loud voices, but not the AT897. It would take really loud sounds, like recording a loud rock concert to need MIC ATT ON with the AT897