View Full Version : FCP with citydisk HDV.

Adam Hanlon
July 4th, 2010, 03:04 PM
Hi all,

I'm new here, so please be gentle!

I'm the proud new owner of an HVX200, and am using it with a Citidisk HDV, with the May 2010 update on it. I'm running FC studio with FCP 7. I am shooting at 1080/60i.

The Citidisk records to .mov. and I can view these in Quick Time. However, I can't log and transfer the files into FCP. When I do so, I get the following message:

"contains unsupported media or has an invalid directory structure. Please choose a folder whose directory structure matches supported media."

This is the same whether I try and transfer straight off the citidisk or via copies of the files on my computer HD.

I can import the clips straight into a project but also get a message saying that the clips aren't optimized for FCP. I am using a Panasonic DVCPRO HD easy set up, as recommended by citidisk.

I'd like to be able to log my footage!

All help gratefully received.


Trevor Harrison
July 4th, 2010, 06:32 PM
Unfortunetly you will not be able to Log and Transfer your footage as it is already in a format FCP can read. You also shouldn't be using Panasonic DVCPRO HD sequence. FCP should change the sequence to the correct format, but since the media is in a QT wrapper FCP doesn't really know what to do with it.

Adam Hanlon
July 5th, 2010, 01:18 AM
Thanks Trevor,

So two more questions then!
1. Is there another workflow solution to log/rename clips etc?
2. If the media is in QT wrappers, should I transcode it to something FCP is happy with?

Many thanks


Per Johan Naesje
July 6th, 2010, 02:17 AM
Adam, I try to answer your questions.
1. You can use the browser window and organize your clips by rename them and put them in folders.
2. Make a new sequence, then from the viewer drag the clip into the timeline. FCP will then ask you if you want the timeline to match the clip settings. Confirm that you want this. Then rightclick the timeline and choose format. You will see what codec you are dealing with.
Another "safe" way is to set the timeline to ProRes 422, which FCP is very happy with.

I have a question though. Why are you using citidisk HDV on this camcorder which I believe is a P2 camcorder (Panasonic AG-HVX200)? It can record 100Mbps at a sampling rate of 4:2:2 to the P2 card which I believe the citidisk HDV canīt?
Another thing, if you are living in UK, the desired format would be 1080/50i or 1080/25p. Did you buy the camcorder abroad?

Adam Hanlon
July 6th, 2010, 04:37 AM
Hi Per Johan,

Thanks for the reply. Your films are inspirational!

Using the browser and timeline formats make perfect sense!

I am using an AG-HVX200 as you suggest. I'm not sure about the sampling rate on the citidisk, but you may well be right! I bought it second-hand and it is the NTSC version. I came with the citidisk, and no P2 cards, so I'm going to shoot this way for a while! I'm going to use it underwater-fortunately, the citidisk will fit in the housing!

Thanks again
