View Full Version : Sony Rumour: New Adapter to allow full use of Alpha lenses.

Jon Braeley
July 18th, 2011, 01:59 PM
I have now seen two such rumours: That Sony are building an adapter that will allow the FS-100 to use the full range of all the Alpha lenses giving auto-focus, auto-iris, etc etc... really opening up the Nex cameras with the Alpha lenses inc. Zeiss a-mount lenses.

Any one hear this?

Gabe Strong
July 18th, 2011, 03:12 PM
I had a hint that this may be happening. I was told that I may want to 'wait a little while' before purchasing the currently available A to E
mount adapter for something in the works. The rumored new adaptor would be nice, but as usual, I am thinking about all kinds of things related
to it. Like, will there be light loss at all or 'Could they build in ND filters?' I know, I know, almost certainly not going to happen.
It just makes me wonder exactly what they are up to. My guess though, is this is aimed more at the NEX line of still
cameras instead of the FS-100.

Steve Mullen
July 19th, 2011, 12:05 AM
In Juan's video presentation he says a new FASTER (better?) adaptor was coming.

The current adaptor does not operate as rapidly as it should with A-mount lenses.