View Full Version : UV Filter/Lens Cleaning question.

Advil Dremali
August 27th, 2005, 03:22 PM
I have lens cleaning cloths, and all they really are is alcohol pads... I just wanted to know if I shouldn't clean my UV filter with it in fear of taking off the coating. I just bought a multicoated UV filter today and I had dust and prints on it already, so I used a cloth to clean it and I'm worried now.

Any help?

Richard Alvarez
August 27th, 2005, 05:44 PM

relax, just yanking your chain. Seriously, I'm sure the filter is fine. In the future, approach cleaning your glass this way. (Taught to me by a Canon repairmen way back 'in the day')

1)Use a soft 'squeeze bulb' type air bulb with a soft brush attached. Blow and brush off any debris or hair on the lens/filter.

2)IF step #1 doesn't do the trick, use a wadded up lens tissue. Start in the center of the lens, and wipe in circular motions in spiral out to the edges.

3) IF step #2 doesn't do the trick. Use a drop of lens cleaning fluid (only a drop) on a wadded up lens tissue. Do the circular dance. Follow up with dry tissues.

Some people would advocate the can of compressed air in between step number 1, and 2, but the possibility of blasting the propellant onto the coating is a bit of a risk, so I don't advocate that approach to others.