View Full Version : The Kids Run the Show

Jeremy Doyle
December 21st, 2011, 01:50 PM
I'm glad we had the extra week or I would have been on the wall of shame again.

I decided to go with a reality TV show for all the same reasons the regular stations seem to be doing it. It was cheap and easy. I just put a camera on the tripod and let the kids play. I had about a half hour of footage to work with and to stay with my reality TV theme I decided to use the parts that made for the most drama or as my wife likes to say "makes my daughter look really mean". I will preface this by saying my wife does not enjoy this video and won't let the kids watch it, because the funniness of it reinforces bad habits we don't want the kids to learn are OK.

As you can tell from the audio, the cord for the mic they were playing with is very fickle and made all kinds of noises as it was being pulled around. What do you expect from a 10 year old $20 dollar mic from Best Buy? You can also hear it getting thrown to the ground a couple times. The camera on the tripod is HV20 and the second camera was my trusty Samsung Vibrant (galaxy 1) phone with majority of the terrible audio coming from that. I went all out in the sound department for this piece! The music and sound FX came from the digital juice library or from soundtrack pro.

I think those camera choices work really well to coincide with a reality show as well, with flat lighting and infinite depth of field.

I also added a commercial because watching a TV show without them just didn't seem right. Besides I had to show that my daughter isn't always mean.

The Kids Run the Show on Vimeo

Dick Mays
December 21st, 2011, 09:43 PM

I had to watch this one with my hands over my eyes. It just felt like something was going to go terribly wrong. Then the camera crash at the end.

Your oldest daughter gave the boy a pretty decent lick under the sheet. I've got two younger boys and a daughter and know just how hard it can get with the kids, lol. Parenting is definitely for the young at heart. I got tired just watching them. My own kids wear me out. Thanks for this little peek into your world. And it gets worse when they turn into teenagers. Just saying...

Simon Wood
December 22nd, 2011, 02:43 AM
Yup, I was just waiting for the inevitable ending where either:

a) Microphone gets yanked out of the XLR port
b) Camera is knocked off the tripod
c) Sticky fingers get pasted all over the lens

Looks like it was the worst; option B!

Nice ideas for a show - perhaps a couple of GoPros for the cameras would ensure that the show would get past the second episode though!

Trond Saetre
December 22nd, 2011, 03:55 AM
Hi Jeremy,
It's so nice to see a show from the kids' point of view. This was pure fun!
Oh, and the ending was priceless. Hope your camera is still operational.

Well done!

Henry Williams
December 22nd, 2011, 07:55 AM
Hi Jeremy.

LOVED your title graphics and how you tied the dvc logo into them as well. Really made it feel like a proper TV show.

Your content aped the feel of the children-run-riot genre perfectly and was very snappily presented. Really liked the facial expessions whilst singing advert too!

A fun entry that I enjoyed thoroughly.


Finn-Erik Faale
December 22nd, 2011, 04:28 PM
What a show! Maybe you have made the most expensive film? After that ending…

Chris Barcellos
December 23rd, 2011, 01:38 AM
That was intense too intense for me :). Of course I have been there before, but at over 60, it seems a bit more crazy......Fun to watch, glad I wasn't there !

Marj Atkins
December 23rd, 2011, 11:10 AM
Oh boy! Kids. Like Chris I am also glad I wasn’t there!

Your animations are really well done and most appropriate!

Lorinda Norton
December 24th, 2011, 11:53 AM
Every time I watch one of your productions I find myself marveling at your graphics, Jeremy. Always great--I particularly like the DVD cover during the commercial.

Controlled chaos that looked completely out of control! I'm sure that all three of them are perfect angels when the camera isn't rolling...