View Full Version : Weird FCP5 issue with HDV filter handling?

Steve Nunez
September 5th, 2005, 07:43 PM
Hello everyone.
I'm having trouble with FCP5's handling of filters in an HDV project. I have a source clip that I can see in the viewer window, when I select in/out points and insert it into the timeline it's fine(so it's just a small piece of a larger clip)- but then I double click it to make the clip active in the viewer window and apply some color corrections- the whole source clip is becoming affected.....this wasn't how FCP4.5 behaved with DV footage as I've done this plenty of times I missing something or is there a bug somewhere or a setting off?
Can't a clip be cut with a razor and modified with filters w/o affecting it's source clip? I just want the "piece" color corrected- not the entire source clip????
Thanks guys.

Lewis Lehman
September 5th, 2005, 10:27 PM
I would make an independant clip from your in and out points and then apply the filter to that. That should solve your problem.

If anyone else has a different or better method, please chime in!


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