View Full Version : Visual Synthesizers

Adrian Svircic
April 18th, 2012, 01:58 PM
Hey guys. I dunno if this is in the right category, but I couldn't think of a better place. I've been looking up different methods of degrading image quality (I know crazy).

Then the other day I was editing and my video card on my laptop has completely gone haywire and it has produced some glitchy video through the transcodes. I like the effects I am getting through these glitches, and it got me into looking for more glitch related material.

I ran into visual synthesis as a result and while some produce originating material some hardware can take in video feeds and manipulate them through oscillators and all that other good jazz. I've been interested in sound synthesis for a long time and I now want to explore that area of visual synthesis.

So for the questions :)

1) What are some devices that can manipulate feeds like this?

2) Where can they be purchased found?

3) Would it be possible to have a custom built visual synthesis machine? I want to stay away from software based synthesis.

If you'd care to share links and advice I'd appreciate it a lot.

Eric Olson
April 18th, 2012, 11:35 PM
I've been interested in sound synthesis for a long time and I now want to explore that area of visual synthesis...I want to stay away from software based synthesis.

Analog video synthesis seems related to oscilloscope art.

oscilloscope art - Google Search (

Adrian Svircic
April 19th, 2012, 02:09 PM
I guess it would be that. I'm looking at hardware based solutions.

Video Thing: v002 - The Rutt Etra emulator (

Something like this. This is software based though. Completely new to the whole concept and I guess it's been around forever just never knew it was realtime (VJ) video manipulation.

I like to manipulate images in camera and like working with hardware (same as audio synthesis). I just never seem to get what I want (or maybe my brain doesn't work well) with software based synthesis.