View Full Version : Stereo Toolbox V4 and Cineform files

Bruce Schultz
June 16th, 2012, 05:27 PM
Tim, can muxed Cineform 3D files be used in any way with ST4? Seems to me they would have to be "un-muxed" to be used, but maybe I'm wrong.

I have been using Neo3D/Cineform Studio Pro for a few years now but I find that ST3 (now 4) has much more robust and precise adjustment tools to fix things and I'd like to be able to make some of those corrections with ST4 directly on Cineform 3D muxed clips.

Tim Dashwood
June 16th, 2012, 10:43 PM
I honestly don't know. I've never tried it.

I assume you could set Cineform to present your files as side by side during your mastering setup with Stereo3D Toolbox. Use the compound clip input mode. (it's the default input mode.)

When you are ready to output you could set the Stereo3D Toolbox to Right Eye as the Global mode and set the right eye output with Cineform to output full res right eye Quicktime. Then repeat with the Left Eye.
When either left or right eye are set as the global mode in Stereo3D Toolbox and compound clip is set as the input, it assume you are sending full resolution left or right eye.

Like I said I've never tested this personally.

Bob Hart
June 17th, 2012, 10:38 AM

A curiousity question for you which I have hinted at previously in another discussion. Does left or right eye dominance feature in convergence pulling on dynamic subjects or is it ignored and both cameras converged equally? So far I have been favouring left eye dominence because although I am left-handed, I am also left eye dominant.