View Full Version : UDF format and Win XP

Kevin Martorana
July 4th, 2012, 10:38 AM
So got our new spiffy pix240...and so it.
Except........never saw info about not being able to connect to a XP machine.

Our Win 7 machine sees it no problem. I understand the issues with the UDF format....and XP.

SoundDevices had a mention of this in their manual...and a website to go to...but that company (softarc) is gone.

Has anyone found a way to at least view UDF files on XP ?

We are just using the caddy to connect...and then import the quicktime files into our Avid.

If there is no work around....I'll have to connect to our Mac or Win 7 machine....copy the files to a portable Hard Drive...then sneaker net the drive to the Avid on the XP machine...and import from there ! BUMMMER...

Thanks for any help....I think I already know the answer ! :(

BUT LOVE the Pix so far.........great features!!

Matt Mayer
July 31st, 2012, 11:19 AM

I spent the better part of the morning searching for a UDF solution for XP. I have no idea what happened to Software Architechts.

There are several tech notes that claim there is UDF support in XP, but as you found, it didn't work on any of my older XP machines.

Tried some solutions that are made for getting data off of old packet-written CD Roms, etc and none of them allowed me to read data off of a PIX drive.

Sneaker net, it seems, is the only solution for now.

Chris Medico
July 31st, 2012, 11:47 AM
I have also been looking for a UDF solution for XP. I've not found one that works. I also am using a Win7 machine to copy the files onto a network server.

Kevin Martorana
August 4th, 2012, 09:51 PM
Thanks guys...yeah...was hoping for a silver bullet...but no luck.

Appreciate your time. Sneaker net is the solution until we upgrade that Avid.

Frank Glencairn
August 5th, 2012, 04:25 AM
You need to look for a packet writing program to access UDF under XP.

Packet writing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (


John Mitchell
August 9th, 2012, 02:03 AM
There are lots of tech that is starting to fail under WinXP - officially it isn't EOL'd until 2014 i think but it may as well be now. Unless your married to the machine I'd get rid of it or if it is still a decent machine update the OS to Win7 and the RAM to16 or 32GB.