View Full Version : Colored edges on viewfinder and footage

Justin Kolosky
November 16th, 2012, 06:23 PM
I have tried so hard to find a solution to this problem and I hope someone can at least tell me what is going on and how I can fix it (or have someone else fix it.)

When I turn my XL2 on in any mode, the viewfinder had a small blue gradient on the right side and a small yellow gradient on the left side. It seems to happen more when I shoot in low-light, but it's still noticeable at all times. These colors also reflect on my recorded footage, with a blue gradient on the right side of the video and a yellow gradient on the left side of the video. Has anyone ever heard of or experienced this? I'm guessing it's a hardware issue, but I don't know if it's common or even an easy fix.

It doesn't matter what mode I'm in, or my recording settings. Opening and closing the iris seems to help a little bit, but it doesn't completely get rid of it. Does this sound like a lens problem or a body problem? I'm really clueless here. Thanks in advance for the help.

Edward Carlson
November 16th, 2012, 07:48 PM
It's a lens problem called Chromatic Aberration: Chromatic aberration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

Different lenses have differing amounts of CA. I have pretty bad eyesight, and as such my glasses have a significant amount of CA.

Chris Soucy
November 17th, 2012, 09:17 PM
Erm, no, Edward, I don't think it is CA.

CA couldn't, and wouldn't, account for a distinct colour cast that changed colour across the full width of both the finder and the shot footage (and the XL2 lens has excellent CA control anyway).

It sounds like something else is going on if the symptoms are as I've understood them from the description given.

It sounds more like something in the optical path has been knocked out of kilter and it is no longer accurately guiding the correct colours across the full width of the sensor.

Bottom line as far as I'm concerned - there's definitely a problem that shouldn't be there.

What it would cost to fix is something else altogether.

You could try sending it to Canon and get a quote (do they do that?), but even that won't be cheap, what with shipping/ insurance/ quote fee etc.

Given that the XL2 is discontinued, and is SD only, this may be the time to bite the bullet and write it off as not worth repairing, your call - spend the money for the quote, have heart failure at both the quote and repair cost, OR invest the money in a newer camera, XH A1/s's seems to be everywhere nowadays s/h if you want a similar form/ controls factor and workflow.


Don Palomaki
November 20th, 2012, 06:49 PM
Agree that it does not sound like CA.

How about posting a screen grab that shows the issue.

Justin Kolosky
November 23rd, 2012, 09:23 AM

I chose the darkest scene so it's very apparent.

Thanks for giving answers without being condescending, too. Most forums I've visited for help have ended up with some self-proclaimed pro talking down to me about how I'm an amateur.

Chris Soucy
November 23rd, 2012, 03:45 PM
Wooo, nope, that ain't CA!

I think I will stick with my first guess on this one.

Question is: Do you fix it or nix it?

Over to you.