View Full Version : Firewire from camera to Firestore and DVD recorder

George Strother
January 17th, 2013, 12:19 PM
I have a request for Firewire output from my DV camera 4 pin port to my DR-HD100 Firestore and the client's DVD recorder. The Firestores and the DVD recorders do no have looping connections.

I have been testing with a BELKIN F5U526-APL-S 6 Port powered Firewire hub but have not found a repeatable connect/start sequence to record to two Firestore recorders in Local control. They eventually start and will keep recording as long as neither is stopped. Stopping one stops the other and restarting may or may not require a complete power down, reconnect and restart.

I have not tested with the client's DVD recorders, but expect them to act a lot like the Firestores.

Is there a reliable, repeatable setup to feed Firewire to 2 recorders?

Ervin Farkas
January 21st, 2013, 09:37 AM
Firewire is based on a "handshake-type" protocol where device 2 is controlled by device 1 and vice versa. A typical example is a camera/recorder combination - camera will prompt the recorder to start; stopping the recording on the recorder will signal back to the camcorder that recording has stopped.

So while you may achieve signal flow in one direction - e.g. make two recorders record the video from one camcorder, it is highly unlikely that adding a second recorder will result in a reliable setup.