View Full Version : Where I can find external camera charger for Z5?

Edgar Vasiluk
February 22nd, 2013, 07:03 AM
Hi there, I always been using my camera relying on batteries, but on my last conference filming which lasted over 100min. The battery died just before conference finished. Lucky me I was filming on two cameras.
Which power supply and where I can buy it in Europe (England)?

With regards

Don Bloom
February 22nd, 2013, 11:14 AM
Edgar, if the conference lasted only 100 minutes and your battry died then pick up another battery that has a longer life. The sony NP-F970s will power my old PD150 for 700 minutes-that's almost 12 hours. Even taking age of the battery into account, some of my batterys are quite old they will run around 400 minutes which is more than enough to take me to a coffee break and then not only change tapes (if using them) but change batterys. I've seen AC power adapters on Ebay and Amazon also has them.

Leslie Wand
February 22nd, 2013, 06:53 PM
+ 1 don

get yourself a couple of 970's - charge full prior to shoot - will outlast the longest talking head you'll ever find....

didn't you get a mains adapror with the camera? mine is basically a 'dummy' battery with lead. used it once years ago...

Adam Gold
February 23rd, 2013, 10:04 PM
Page 128 of your manual specifies that it's the same adaptor/charger worldwide, the AC-VQ1050. It should have come with your cam when you bought it. It's both a direct power supply for the cam and an external charger, but not both at the same time -- you have to select one function or the other.

If you can't find it locally I would imagine you could get it direct from Sony.