View Full Version : XL1-Help: Need internal part...

Georg Gunkel-Schwaderer
February 28th, 2013, 04:55 AM

I'm searching for the internal audio-flexi-cable of the Canon Camcorder XL1.
Its Canon-Part-No: "DG1-2928-000" (FPC Ass'y, 16pin).

Unfortunately Canon (and the Service Partners) say, that the support for this model is out since years...

I've contacted many repair shops in the world, but no one does have this flexi-cable...

I hope so much to get help in this forum...

If one of you knows, where in the world I could get this part, I'd be soooo happy!

Please help me.

Best Regards

(Sorry for my very poor english!!!)

Roger Gunkel
February 28th, 2013, 06:00 AM
Hi Georg, I don't actually know what the cable is that you are asking about, however I do have a complete Canon XL1 that I stopped using years ago after the transport jammed. If it is of any use to you let me know.

Also completely unrelated to your post, I was fascinated to see the surname Gunkel, the same as mine. It is the first time I have communicated with anyone with the same name outside of my own family and relations. The family moved to England from Germany about 170 years. ago. Perhaps we are distant cousins :-)

Roger Gunkel

Georg Gunkel-Schwaderer
February 28th, 2013, 06:15 AM
Dear Roger,

that's the best mail I've ever got!!!

Yes, perhaps, we are related ;-)
Do you have a family tree of your part of the "Gunkels"? I have some data of my part...
That's really great!!!

And of course: I have interest in "an old XL1". I'm working as a media teacher in a Youth Association. We make films and other multimedia projects with kids and youth. You can have a look to our projects at:

mobile-medienarbeit » Medienkompetenzförderung in Nordniedersachsen (

At first: Have 1000th of thank for your reply!!

I look forward to your next post
Your Georg GUNKEL ;-)))

Georg Gunkel-Schwaderer
March 4th, 2013, 01:50 PM
Let's rewind the tape:

I still need help... The XL1 from Roger was an EX1...

Please, is anyone out there in the deep of the night, who has a dead XL1 and doesn't need it – or even the flexi-cable in it?

I'd be so happy... Only because a so small "plastic strip", we can't use this excellent (but old) camera for our non-profit youth project...

Please help...

Best Regards
Georg from Germany