View Full Version : How will you protect your GL2 at the beach?

Leonardo Silva Jr.
September 23rd, 2005, 03:54 AM
I will soon be shooting a beach wedding, and it is really humid here in philippines and don't know the splash of water and sand bursts, what protection should I use for shooting in that condition? I have seen the ewa marine it is good since it has a flat glass so the camera is fully encolsed in the pvc plastic or should I go for the cordura material like portabrace, kata, petrol? are these cover same with the ewa that has a flat glass so that the camera is fully enclosed?

Will it still be possible to do manual controls like manual focus if the cam is inside the cover?

Hope to get some replies soon, since i have to take action immediately, the beach wedding is approaching fast. Thanks again

Sean Hansen
September 23rd, 2005, 05:40 AM
The company Porta Brace has some options you might like. Seems to have good overall protection from Sun, rain, wind and sand.

Leonardo Silva Jr.
September 23rd, 2005, 07:31 AM
thank you sean, i have seen the portabrace for gl2 but I'm not sure if it will totally protect the camera lens when a splash get in front of the camera? unlike the ewa marine, it has a flat glass which i assume protects almost the whole camera body, but i am afraid that if I use ewamarine I will have a hard time to adjust the focus ring. Can anyone enlighten me on this? thanks

Meryem Ersoz
September 23rd, 2005, 07:54 AM
i have a ewa marine bag for my gl2 and like it very much, for what it (relatively speaking), full protection on the beach. you cannot operate the camera in manual mode or even operate the focus ring, for that matter, without generating a lot of camera movement. you basically get access to on/off and zoom with the ewa marine bag. also, the way the bag's lens ring compartment is designed, you can expect some vignetting, which may not be visible in the viewfinder, so i recommend experimenting with those parameters before you use it in a situation where that matters. or use it fully zoomed in to dispense with the issue.

also, the lens does add a sort of pro-mist like filtering effect, which i liked since my major use of the bag was shooting my kid and her friends on our vacation. it gave the footage a nice, soft, romantic quality. and great skin tones. but if i had to shoot a job, i would probably not use the bag without some serious experimentation beforehand, to make sure i liked the output.

Leonardo Silva Jr.
September 23rd, 2005, 08:10 AM
oh i see, so in that case, would the protabrace be better than ewamarine? i think with the porta or petrol or kata, you can manage to use the buttons i think... and not so expensive. but the problem with the protabrace rain slicker is I don't know if the front is open and so, lens is open for raind drops? also in the ewa, isn't the mic also enclosed...doesn't it have any effect with the audio recording?

Meryem Ersoz
September 23rd, 2005, 08:51 AM
i think i misunderstood your question. i was talking about the splash bag, not the raincover. i have not used the rain cover at the beach, because i don't want to take any chances with water and sand and salt. i was talking about the complete coverage of the splash bag. my error. sorry about that. disregard....

Leonardo Silva Jr.
September 23rd, 2005, 08:59 AM
meryem, i think i got my self unclear, i was actually choosing what will i use for beach shootout the ewa splashbag (vc2000) or the raincover from portabrace. why did you say "i have not used the rain cover at the beach, because i don't want to take any chances with water and sand and salt" is the raincover not applicable for the beach?

Leonardo Silva Jr.
September 23rd, 2005, 09:45 PM
Anyone have experience on portabrace rain slicker or ewa vc2000 for GL2?

Please I need some replies, I need to get some protection for my GL2. which one should I get a Portbrace rain slicker or an ewa marine vc2000?