View Full Version : Visible Time Code How to output it.

Michael Dunn
January 6th, 2014, 02:17 PM
I have a Sony HDR-FX1 camera.

I need to make a window dub of a wedding I shot as a favor. I need to output the video to a hard drive and have the time code visible in the frame. Then I can input it to the editing program and make a MPEG window dub Copy for the couple to view and make some pre-edit decisions.

With my old VX1000 it was an easy thing to do. I can't find the way to do it with the HDV-FX1

Any help would be appreciated.

Adam Gold
January 10th, 2014, 02:14 AM
You can't. Not digitally, anyway. If I recall correctly, you have to do this via the analog outputs. Visible TC doesn't go out via FW, only as metadata that is read by the playback device.

However, your NLE should easily be able to make a window TC burn and export to whatever format you like. But how you do this is an NLE question not dependent on your cam.

So just capture normally into your NLE first, then have your NLE output it with TC.

If your NLE won't do this, find a different NLE. HDV metadata is handled differently than DV.

Michael Dunn
January 12th, 2014, 03:41 PM
Thanks for in help on this.

I use Sony Movie Studio Platinum so I will search for the feature there.

When I did the VX1000 it did export via the RCA connectors.

Adam Gold
January 12th, 2014, 09:05 PM
RCA is analog. You should be able to do it the same with the FX1. See DATA CODE, p 44.

But if this doesn't work, you'll have to do it the proper way, via your NLE. It's been a while since I had an FX1 but that's how I always did it on those rare occasions when I had the need to.

Michael Dunn
January 13th, 2014, 09:01 PM
I checked P44 in the manual and TC can be viewed on the viewing screen on the camera. I have the camera set up that way normally.

I will dig into the Sony editing program to find out how to output it to a render.

It is going to have to wait as I am headed to AVN for the balance of the week.

Adam Gold
January 14th, 2014, 01:42 AM
Sorry, it's DISP OUTPUT, p. 64, which will output the TC to an external monitor. We covered this in an earlier thread ages ago and I was trying to find it. But again it's via video outputs only, not FW/i.Link. RCA should work ok. Note that this is not HD, unless you are going via RGB component to another HDV device.