View Full Version : Any other cheaper reel-stream/HD solution?

Rafael Lopes
October 5th, 2005, 09:07 AM

Recently I've been looking into this reel-strean ( capture system that basicly turns your ag-dvx100 into a HD camera...the images are awesome but it costs 3k!!! For this price you might as well just buy an HD camera! I wonder if anyone knows of any other process similar to this one but cheaper. I have a Gl2 and I would really love it if there was a cheaper way to sort of turn it into an HD camera. Any comments?


Chris Hurd
October 5th, 2005, 09:15 AM
Rafael, this is a duplicate of a post you made earlier in another forum. That's called cross-posting. Please don't do that.

I'm not sure what your expectations are, but $3,000 is already very "cheap" for a high definition video camera. Most people here, myself included, consider $3,000 to be very inexpensive and highly affordable for high definition recording. If you're not prepared to pay for high definition now, then why not continue to work in standard definition at a level you can afford. I think we're about a year away from the point where the least expensive HDV camcorders will cost less than $2,000.

One way to get into HDV now is to sell your GL2 and put that money toward part of the cost of a Sony HC1, which is currently the least expensive HDV camcorder on the market.

Rafael Lopes
October 5th, 2005, 09:54 AM
Thank you for the info. I guess you're right. I rather wait for Hd to be fully implanted here in Europe before jumping in. I bet that in about a year or 2, cameras like the HVX200 and the JVC ProHD (cameras that have it all) will have newer and more afordable versions.
As for the post, I was just following another user advice, who told me to post this here (since I work with a Gl2). I had no idea it couldn't be done. Sorry about that.



Chris Hurd
October 5th, 2005, 10:20 AM
No problem -- believe me, I too look forward to the coming days of more affordable and less expensive HD camcorders. Someday soon I bet that DV camcorders will be sold in "blister packs" in your local grocery store for $49.95.

Greg Boston
October 5th, 2005, 11:14 AM
No problem -- believe me, I too look forward to the coming days of more affordable and less expensive HD camcorders. Someday soon I bet that DV camcorders will be sold in "blister packs" in your local grocery store for $49.95.

My XL2 in a blister pack at the checkout stand. Not a pretty thought. :(

Juan P. Pertierra
October 12th, 2005, 11:42 PM
I'd also like to point out that the Reel Stream Andromeda doesn't just provide HD from your DVX, it provides uncompressed footage at up to 12-bits/channel of color precision, and full bandwidth RGB recording.

What other system does that for even close to $3000?
