View Full Version : Repair Firewire port

Jon Enkel
June 9th, 2014, 02:39 AM
Hello people,
I am after some advice of course, simply would you advise me to repair the FW port on my GY 251 prior to my selling it ?
The camera has high hours, but with both a recent CCD block replacement and full tape system service.
Many thanks in anticipation!

Dave Farrants
June 9th, 2014, 04:26 AM
If you don't get it repaired the camera will only sell to someone who already has a working JVC ProHD or a BR-HD50. My last FW socket repair was around £350 (a few years ago now). High hours 250/251's were selling on BBlist for £1000 - £1200 for 1000+ operating hours (but not tape transport as output went to a mixer) when I was looking for one, although with invoices showing your recent CCD block replacement and tape transport service you should get more than that if you get the FW repaired as well.

Jon Enkel
June 9th, 2014, 05:10 AM
Many thanks for that Dave!