View Full Version : by Dennis Hingsberg: Replicating CineEI Mode in Custom Mode on the F55

Chris Hurd
January 27th, 2015, 04:27 PM
Many F5 and F55 camera owners, including myself, have felt a continuous struggle and imbalance between the CineEI mode and Custom Mode. With Sony’s ongoing development of firmware updates for these cameras and the fact they are continually seeking feedback on them, let’s just say there has been no shortage of suggestions to Sony on where there is room for improvement.

Read the full article: Replicating CineEI Mode in Custom Mode on the F55 - DV Info Net (

Dennis Hingsberg
January 28th, 2015, 07:02 PM
Thanks Chris and for publishing my article.

One of the big things that comes to light after my testing is that between the two camera modes even if the same slog gamma curve and color gamut are selected (slog2/sgamut), the colours seem quite different and do not match that well.

It could be there is more buried within the menus in Custom Mode that I missed playing around with, but that aside simply turning MATRIX off is not enough.