View Full Version : Repair SD card with broken write protection switch

Urban Skargren
May 9th, 2015, 08:38 AM

One of my SD card has lost its write protection switch completely. I have seen that many people put a piece of scotch tape on top and I tried it and it works.

I heard about another solution though, and that is to remove the inside "memory" part of the broken card and put it in the case of a cheap SD card.

Has anyone tried this and can tell how to do it exactly?

Denis Danatzko
May 10th, 2015, 07:19 AM
By any chance, is the card still under warranty?

I've never tried the repair to mention.

That's happened to me only once, and it was on a card that I had very recently purchased, so it was still under warranty.

I sent the damaged card to the manufacturer, and I rec'd one back apparently fixed, intact, and with my footage on it. I couldn't tell for sure if they had copied my footage from my damaged card to a new one, or simply fixed my original card.

In either case, I didn't lose the footage, I ended up with a "fixed" card, and it hasn't happened again. This happened to me approx. 2 yrs ago.

Gary A. Smith
May 10th, 2015, 09:31 AM
I had same brainwave idea too about swapping. Different cards have a different size circuit board inside. I ended up buying another card.

Gary Huff
May 10th, 2015, 10:26 AM
Personally, once the write protection switch goes, the card goes.

Crazily enough, I've had an SD card split in half on me. Thankfully, I was able to get everything off of it, but it went straight into the trash after that.