View Full Version : file locked

Fred Finn
October 19th, 2005, 08:38 AM
I'm at work and FCP is sayibg we can't save because the file is lovked... i did a search and found nothing. Anyone have any ideas?

Fred Finn
December 10th, 2005, 10:36 AM
For anyone what runs into this. If you have multiple users on a FCP Xsan setup and someone creates a folder on the server and you have a project in that folder you will not be able to autosave to it. You will get file errors, you can also not manually save to it. The owner of the folder (get info) can changes the permissions so that you can autosave/save there, but only they can do it.

Also if you open a project file and it will not let you edit log entries, even if the media is not connected select it and disconnect media. It's a workaround for some weird bug.