View Full Version : Color Grading Help

Brock Burwell
February 26th, 2016, 03:34 PM
While I feel like I can normally get colors corrected in post (not that it's that difficult) I seem to be finding it tough to color grade the way I'd like to. So my question is, does anyone here use and LUTS or anything similar?

I noticed some people using this (All Products ? Color Grading Central ( site for their grading and I wondered if that's silly or if a lot of people use this type of thing.

I'd rather know how to grade than to rely on things like this, but I feel like learning to grade correctly could take a long time and lots of training so having something like this in the mean time could be nice. Any suggestions?

Adam Stanislav
February 26th, 2016, 07:58 PM
You may want to take a look at Tom Antos’ YouTube channel ( He has a bunch of tutorials, including color grading with and without LUTs. Perhaps more importantly, he has many tutorials on lighting, which allows you to achieve the right look while shooting, which means less work in color grading.

Brock Burwell
March 1st, 2016, 03:04 PM

I ended up getting Color Finale and the OSRIS pack from Color Grading Central. Color Finale is really a cool plug-in and I know I'm just scratching the surface of it. I'm looking forward to learning it further.