View Full Version : FCP X Sierra LUT loader?

Alfred Okocha
October 27th, 2016, 02:48 PM
Hi there!

I just installed Sierra and discovered that my Pixel Films LUT loader doesn't work anymore... Does anybody know any LUT loaders that work with the new OS?

It was a bit silly to upgrade perhaps, I read that some people found it faster to work with though. (It seems like starting up the FCP takes longer time now than before though...)


Ryan Douthit
October 27th, 2016, 09:38 PM
The new FCP X will automatically apply a built-in LUT to LOG format video on import. Or, you can enable it clip-by-clip by viewing the settings in the clip info pane if you already have an edit in process.

If you want more control, I successfully used Color Finale Pro today on a project I imported into the new version of FCP X.

Alfred Okocha
October 27th, 2016, 11:40 PM
Hi Ryan!

Thank you for that! I've totally missed that there was a new FCP... I was stuck on 2.3 Weird that... (Or do you need Sierra?)

Downloading now. Tell you later how it worked.


Alfred Okocha
October 28th, 2016, 12:49 AM
Thanks for the tip!
I still can\t find a LUT loader though. You still only have the option to use the log processing the same way as on FCPX 2? There still no LUT loader to use external .cube?

My old LUT loader from 2.3 doesn't work with FCPX 3, it seems...

Any work arounds?

Ryan Douthit
October 28th, 2016, 09:35 PM
The 10.3 LUT system is built-in and only uses their provided LUTs. If you want to load your own you still need to go with a 3rd party solution like Color Finale.

Nate Haustein
October 29th, 2016, 12:44 AM
LUT Utility from Color Grading Central still works on 10.3.

Dmitri Zigany
November 1st, 2016, 08:52 PM
There is LUTx and mLUT as well. Both are great and available as free versions...