View Full Version : where to find capture logs

Harry Lender
April 11th, 2017, 08:42 AM
I have captured some video from my DV tape and would like to locate it to see what I logged onto that tape. Is the log stored on my harddrive and where would it be?
Thanks in advance.

Battle Vaughan
April 11th, 2017, 10:39 AM
If I understand your question correctly, go to Project >Project Settings >Scratch Disk and the window will have a path statement for video capture files, telling you where to find them.

Harry Lender
April 11th, 2017, 08:45 PM
Hi Battle;
Thank you for your reply. I don't I explained my problem clearly enough. I know where the video I captured is. My problem is when I first marked the in and out points of the video I was capturing and then I put in a description of what the recording contained, like subject, scenes, etc. After that was filled out I would click "Log the clip" I would like to know where that entry was filed? So that I could go to it and see what I entered. On my project I have a ton video clips and have logged information I would like to refer too.
Thanks in advance.

Battle Vaughan
April 11th, 2017, 09:58 PM
Found this information in the help files for CS4, if it's what you are looking for:

" Click Logging. In the Setup area, Choose Audio, Video or Audio and Video from the Capture menu, depending on what you want to capture. Select a bin from the "Log Clips To" list if needed. By default, the Project panel is selected in the "Log Clips To" field.

Enter Information into the Clip Data area as needed. This information will be saved in the Metadata of the clip. To avoid confusion, make sure that the tape name is unique. Some types of device control software may as you to specify the Tape Name setting each time you insert a new tape. The other logging data options aren't required."

Sounds like the information you are looking for may be stored on the clip as metadata.... Log and Capture doesn't really mean that it writes a log, I believe. It means you set in and out points which the system remembers, then pulls out those parts when you capture. I never had much luck with that technique back in the day with Final Cut Pro, never tried it with PPro.