View Full Version : Need help colour correcting in Premiere Pro

Martyn Moore
September 20th, 2018, 09:40 AM
Hi everybody. I messed up!

I recently shot an interview and placed the speaker in front of a very bright window. I messed the whole thing up and have ended up with badly exposed and wrong-coloured clips.

I can normally do a decent job of colour correction but that's when my clips have been shot correctly. But I just can't get these right. I can improve them but I think a better colour-correcter than me will be able to do a better job.

Does anybody out there offer a colour rescue service?

Ideally, I would like to send an XAVC 2160/25p 60 clip to someone who can fix it with Premiere Pro/Lumetri and would then be prepared to share the effect settings with me, so I can apply the repair to the rest of the sequence. I'm sorry if this comes across as cheeky and too much of a 'big ask'.

I am prepared to pay for any help I get.

Jeff Pulera
September 20th, 2018, 12:52 PM
Perhaps post a still grab from video so that folks can give you an idea if even salvageable
