View Full Version : What questions should be in an HD100 FAQ?

Tim Dashwood
December 31st, 2005, 12:53 PM
I'd like to develop a comprehensive FAQ this month and would like input from our members.

Here's a few questions I can think of right now. Please feel free to add to the list.

What is SSE?
What is the difference between the GY-HD100U, GY-HD100E, and GY-HD101E ?
What is an m2t and how do I watch it?
How do I digitize my footage with Windows XP?
How do I digitize my footage with Mac OS X?
How do I shoot "overcranked" slow motion?
What 3rd party battery solutions are available?
What lenses or adapters will fit on the Hd100?
How do I capture uncompressed HD?
What frame rates is the HD100 capable of?
Why can't I manually control the iris even thought the switch is on "M"?
What is the difference between 24 and 23.98? Which one should I edit with?
I see a bad pixel. What should I do?
How do I copy someone else's scene files onto my SD card?
What is the purple and green "fringing" I see when I focus? What is CA?
How should I configure my camera for a "film-look?"

Robert Niemann
December 31st, 2005, 01:17 PM
- What is "breathing" regarding the lens?
- How can I make a DVD from my footage?
- What are the advantages of the HD100 in contrast to the Z1/XL H1/HVX200? And the disadvantages?
- How does the "film-look" differ from that of the DVX100?
- What is the difference in the quality of the HD100's SD mode and an SD camcorder?
- How long do the different battery solutions last?

Brian Duke
December 31st, 2005, 06:19 PM
- What tapeless harddisk recorder is compatible with the HD100?
- How should I shoot and edit if I want to transfer to 35mm film?
- What third party sound will capture the ultimate Hollywood Feature sound?
- How do I work around or get rid off the SSE?
- Should I use a filter or the in-camera ND when shooting in daylight?
- What editing program works with the 24p mode?
- How much light is needed for interior and exterior night?
- How do I get rid of the jidder?
- How do I get rid of the lagging and/or motion blur when I pan or tilt?
- What is the purpose of the shutter?
- How do I shoot a TV or computer monitor without having the bars running?
- What is the "Motion Smooth" and when do I need it?
- What is the "Motion Trans" and when do I need it?
- What are some tips for shooting in bright sunlight vs. cloudy day.
- How do you create a timelaspe effect?

Guy Barwood
December 31st, 2005, 06:41 PM
Q: How can I output DV via 1394 from a HDV recording?

A: You can't, the GY-HD100 does not support real time down conversion to SD via 1394. Capture your footage in HDV and use your NLE to downconvert.

And replace all SSE references with SSF, it is a Fault, not an Effect.

Ram Ganesh
May 6th, 2006, 12:15 AM
guys I have added these questions ( in the wiki page - if someone knows the answer please 'edit' the wiki page...

HD100 Wiki Page -

Brian Luce
May 11th, 2006, 04:54 AM
I'd like the FAQ to briefly breakdown the different intermediary codecs and their corresponding softwares.

A few words on JVC's version of hdv might be nice.

How to use the focus assist.

Software options.

Battery options.

Paolo Ciccone
May 11th, 2006, 08:43 AM

I get asked about White Balance a lot. Specifically if changing a configuration changes the WB. Maybe we can add something like:

Q: When I use one of the scene files that I download from the Net, do I need to change WB?
A: Yes, White Balance is independent from the color matrix configuration and should be reset for each scene you shoot. You can either use one of the presets in the camera (3200K for indoor or 5600K for outdoor) or reset the WB by placing a white card in from of the HD100 and pressing the WB button when the WB switch is either on the A or B position.

John Vincent
May 12th, 2006, 12:44 AM
Here's one I'd like to know - how the heck do you edit 24p with this camera (answers both both mac and pc users).


Tom Chaney
May 12th, 2006, 04:40 AM
Hey John,

We should get together. I am using Lumiere HD and FCP 5.1 to cut my 24p stuff.

I picked up a MacBook Pro last weekend and it flies.

I'm hoping that it will get easier to do when Apple releases their "imminent" update.

However, I would like to suggest to Tim Dashwood that we have the "most recent" settings listed for Lumiere HD and FCP 5.1 for cutting our footage in 24p. It would also be nice to have a list that starts with capturing and ends with outputting.


Tom Chaney

K. Forman
August 1st, 2006, 10:06 AM
I'd like to find a detailed Menu Settings for Dummies FAQ.

Tim Dashwood
August 1st, 2006, 10:45 AM
Thanks for bringing this thread back up Keith. It will get done... eventually.

K. Forman
August 1st, 2006, 12:02 PM
Actually, I found it while searching for your post on the V/H settings, but I am equally unsure about many other settings too.

Tim Dashwood
August 1st, 2006, 12:26 PM
Actually, I found it while searching for your post on the V/H settings, but I am equally unsure about many other settings too.
Here's the direct link to the rez tests you are looking for.

Mathieu Ghekiere
August 1st, 2006, 12:26 PM
Thanks for bringing this thread back up Keith. It will get done... eventually.

Hi Tim,

the questions here asked are very good!
Where will the Faq be ready to seen?
I think it would be good as a sticky on these boards!

Tim Dashwood
August 1st, 2006, 12:35 PM
Hi Tim,

the questions here asked are very good!
Where will the Faq be ready to seen?
I think it would be good as a sticky on these boards!
That is the plan. I have a great love for the board and I do the best I can with the time available, but unfortunately other things keep coming up.
In the meantime, it looks like information is being added to the HD100 Wiki FAQ ( and the JVC FAQ ( answers some basic questions.

Kevin Shaw
August 1st, 2006, 12:58 PM
I didn't read every item listed here so stop me if someone already said this:

Q: How do I access the setup menus on the HD100U?

A: You have to hold the round menu button for a couple of seconds instead of just tapping it.

I used the camera twice before I figured this out, and it darn near drove me nuts. I'm sure it's in the manual somewhere, but if you're in a hurry it's not an intuitively obvious step.

Tim Dashwood
August 1st, 2006, 01:43 PM
That's a good point for users new to pro cameras. I honestly can say I never thought about it because I always did find it intuitive, probably because of my pro camera experience.

This reminds me of when I bought my grandparents an imac a couple of years ago. They had NEVER used a computer before. The closest they ever came was an electric typewriter.
I showed them how to click on the "mail" icon to read their email, the photo icon to watch photos I had loaded in there. I thought "wow," this is going to be so easy for them because they won't have to worry about viruses or anything.
Everything seemed to be fine until they took over and kept looking down at the mouse everytime they moved it. They just couldn't move that mouse without looking at it, and then they'd look back at the screen and have no idea where the pointer was!
It drove me nuts... they have no problem comprehending the OS, applications, folder heirarchy, or even the internet, but they still can't use a mouse properly - and that doesn't even include click & drag.

The point of the story is that maybe we should have a 'beginners' area in the FAQ that addresses issues that many of us take for granted. Stuff like +48V phantom power, aperture, manual/servo zoom, or maybe even the location of the VTR button. Thoughts?

K. Forman
August 1st, 2006, 01:59 PM
The switch, knobs, and buttons are fairly easy to find. Figuring them out is a different story. Like pressing the menu button increases the info in the VF, or turns them off altogether. I still haven't figured out how to use the user buttons though, and the manual isn't always clear to me- in English or Japanese.

Carl Martin
August 1st, 2006, 03:12 PM
I agree, I just use the #1 user button for bars.

Michael J. Moore
August 1st, 2006, 10:08 PM
The HDV SD60P recording option throws me. Does the SD mean Standard Def?

Brian Luce
August 1st, 2006, 11:06 PM
The HDV SD60P recording option throws me. Does the SD mean Standard Def?

yes it stands for standard def but it's standard def in the hdv codec (container). So it'll give you a 4.2.0 color sampling which is better if you're outputting to dvd, as opposed to dvd 4.1.1.