View Full Version : Broadcast quality (!). A record?

Fred Gangemi
January 18th, 2003, 05:37 AM
Hi everyone,
first post on this board, though I've been 'lurking' for a while.

First of all I wanted to thank you for all the useful info I found here, that helped me chosing my camera, an XM2.

Secondly wanted to tell you that last Tuesday on BBC World Business Report there was what I reckon is the first news bradcasted piece entirely shot (by me) with an XM2.

I received lots of compliments from the Beeb's techs for image quality!

I think this camera is truely amazing: I was quite worring having to shoot with a 'non professional' piece of equipment for one of the most important tvs in the world, and I thought that I would have had all the kind of technical problems, like poor resolution, compression issues (I've rough edited the piece on my pc), and similar stuff. But it all went brilliantly!

For your information, I shot in 4:3 (although the piece went out in 16:9) since I was worried about losing some quality. But now I want to do some tests shooting straight in 16:9 and ask the tv guys whethever it would be fine.

Thank you all again for your help!



Don Palomaki
January 18th, 2003, 06:37 AM
Great news. Congratulations.

Aaron Koolen
January 18th, 2003, 07:13 AM
Awesome stuff Fred. Good to hear the little old (young) Xm2 can impress enough for the BBC.

Keep it up.

Peter Wiley
January 18th, 2003, 07:48 AM
Was the report one that we might be able to see on the BBC Web site. I know they do lots of streaming content.

Fred Gangemi
January 18th, 2003, 10:37 AM
Unfortunately I had some problems registering to this site, and that's why I posted after a week from the 'event'.
Therefore I'm afraid the video is no longer on their website.

Anyway, if you want you can try and look for it, it was about Italy and Euro notes.

Bart Saerens
January 20th, 2003, 01:03 AM
Great to know this, Fred! Thanks!
If it's good enough for the BBC, it's good enough for the rest of the world.

Would it be possible to let us know what they say about the 16/9 quality of the cam?


Graham Bernard
January 20th, 2003, 03:08 AM
Fred - Truly valuable information for me!

I've given a VidPro colleague this info, so he can add it to his knowledge and decision making when he selects me to assist him as his 3rd cameraman. Very useful indeed!

Well done - maybe we need to create a "Cammy for Hire!" site - NOW THAT WOULD BE excellent. Turning this websote into a clearing house . . . . well it's only an idea.

Perhaps CVs and experience and levels of skills? Waddya fink people ?. . . I think this idea has got "legs" - as we say in London UK!


ps : I can also make a good Cuppa Tea too!

Fred Gangemi
January 22nd, 2003, 04:17 AM
Re 16:9 mode, they said it would have been fine, but the 4:3 was slightly better.

I decided to shoot in 4:3 mainly because I have some 'focusing problems' when dealing with the shrunk viewfinder/monitor image, and I didn't want to take any risk -by the way, any suggestion is welcomed on the subject...

I'm not a pro, and this was my first attempt (my wife is a journalist, and we wanted to try to 'do it ourselves'), so I wanted to play it safe. And it went REALLY well, had lots of compliments (I am quite embarassed about it, anyway).

Mark Austin
January 24th, 2003, 10:41 PM
It's nice to know that I got the "little camera that could". I researched cameras, talked to users, and read everything I could before I got my GL2.

I thought it was going to be less than I needed, or that I'd have to compromise here and there. But as it turns out it's a real gem. I have been using it for a couple of months now and I'm finally getting the hang of it. I actually started shooting my "real" short, that is, one that is scripted, storyboarded, and over budget already :-)

In many ways I'm glad to have started with the GL2 instead of a bigger camera, it really does allow me to just go for it, and the image quality is really outstanding.

Thanks for the info on your project, if it's good enough for the beeb is it's got to be great.