View Full Version : Output from FCP strobing, any ideas?

Brendan Sundry
March 26th, 2006, 03:28 AM
Hello Crew,

I have recently been outputting some straight dv pal footage from FCP and it has this weird -very annoying strobing effect like every 2 seconds (it seems to hold on a frame for a bit longer.

Firstly i assumed the problem was idvd, but when i exported he file from compressor and authored it on another machine (a pc infact) it still had the strobing anomaly.

This sounds something like might happen when going from 30 to 24p, but there is nothing funky like that in my workflow.

Its a little less obvious on progressive (computer) display.

Anyway, any feedback is most appreciated.

btw fcp 5 on a dual 2ghz

Brendan Sundry
March 27th, 2006, 12:02 AM
another note: You might also describe this as jerky playback,seems to be a better word

Glenn Chan
March 27th, 2006, 02:53 PM
could be:

A- interlace flicker.
try the de-interlace filter

B- reversed field order
There is some way to reverse the field order so everything is right. Maybe in clip properties (right click the clip, go into properties somewhere). This can happen when bringing in footage again.

Do monitor on an external monitor! This will let you spot problems right away. The FCP window is usually lying to you.

Brendan Sundry
March 27th, 2006, 08:06 PM
Using the Easy setup "Pal anamorphich DV" its shouldnt have field issues.
Also, it seems that its not happening quick enough to be a filed issue. i.e every 2 seconds.

I will check it out anyway.
