View Full Version : GL2 won't turn on!!!!!!

Julien T. Chartier
May 2nd, 2006, 07:23 AM

I just bought a used GL2 and it worked fine when I first got it. Last night, I hooked it up to my TV with the RCA cables and tried a couple of different settings to get used to the camera.

This morning, at work, I was about to shoot something real important when I turned ON the camera and nothing would happen!!!! My battery was almost full last night, I left it on the camera but closed it before putting it in my bag.

I tried my 2 other battery packs (BP-945), still the same thing when I put slid the slidder from "OFF" to "CAMERA". As I slid it back, i went to "PLAY (VCR)" and the green light lit up!! I can watch the tape that's in the camera, but when I slide it back to CAMERA, nothing happens with 3 different battery packs!!!

What could it be? The only settings I changed last night were the "TV Screen" option, the Manual Focus and the Shooting modes.

Could somebody help me out, I have a HUGE contract to shoot this week-end and I need the camera to work ASAP!!!


Bill Wilson
May 2nd, 2006, 07:39 AM
You not only have to slide the VCR-Camera switch on top of the camera on but you must push the standby switch on the rear of the tape housing up; the camera will go into pause, then you push the red button to begin recording.

My advice read thru the entire manual as soon as possible. If you don't have a manual you can download one from the canon web site.

Hope this fixes your problem.

Julien T. Chartier
May 2nd, 2006, 07:46 AM
OMG I feel like a fool, the switch was at LOCK, I must have tipped it when I put it in my bag.

I gotta get used to it, man... thanks Bill!!!

Steven Davis
May 2nd, 2006, 08:47 AM
OMG I feel like a fool, the switch was at LOCK, I must have tipped it when I put it in my bag.

I gotta get used to it, man... thanks Bill!!!

Don't beat yourself up too bad, we've all had that 'heart attack' with new equipment, ya kinda feel like Captain Kirk facing Khan.

Mike Donley
May 2nd, 2006, 11:08 AM
No reason to feel foolish. I, too, forgot about the lock switch early in my career.

Actually, you should switch it to lock before sliding the other switch to turn off the power. So, you did the right thing! The proper sequence is: To power on, push slider to "camera" to turn on the power. Then move the other switch from lock to standby. The power light will not be lit until you move this switch to standby. To power down, push the switch down to lock, then slide the other switch to off (the positon between camera and VCR).

Nathaniel McInnes
May 2nd, 2006, 02:19 PM
When i got my XM2 it took me nearly 3 hours to figure out why it would turn on you know the battery was fully charged and the switch was in the on position. then i realise the standby switch

Graham Bernard
May 2nd, 2006, 04:16 PM
Now, hands up those who HAVE pushed the big red and actually put the camera into PAUSE instead? Meaning it was in REC but the second hit put the camera in PAUSE . . . I have two hands and 2 big feet up in the air!!!

Oh yeah, how about turning OFF the mic battery? AND have while wearing cans AND convinced there IS audio going down? Yup - guilty!!

. .I have others too . .


David Ennis
May 2nd, 2006, 07:44 PM
Tripod level? Check.
Fresh batteries in everything? Check.
Cables laid? Check.
Mics postitioned properly? Check.
Board feed set? Check.
Attenuators in place? Check.
Audio levels? Check.
White Balance? Check.
Exposure mode? Check.
Headphones on?
[overture starts, curtain goes up]

Oh, #$&#*!@!! .... forgot the tape!!!

Been there, done that.

Isaac Gonzalez
May 4th, 2006, 02:43 PM
That's exactly what has happened to me in the past. In fact, I was doing a big wedding this weekend and I was going back and forth to make sure that I did not hit that big red button into pause. Yicks!!!!