View Full Version : For learning FCS: Macbook vs Pro

Jason Livingston
October 11th, 2006, 12:17 AM
I know my way around Premiere and some other PC NLE programs, but I see a lot of job offers looking specifically for FCP expertise. Assuming I want to learn FCP and the other Studio programs (Motion, Soundtrack, etc.) for the purpose of becoming system-independant and filling out my resume, do you think I could get by learning on a Macbook, or do I need a Macbook Pro?

I've heard conflicting statements about Final Cut Studio on the Macbook. Some people say everything works fine and its just a little slow, but I also read a comment that said Motion won't even install on a Macbook. Apple says they only support FCE on the Macbook, as if FCP/FCS won't work at all.(!?)

Is there anyone running all of the Final Cut Studio programs on a Macbook that can confirm that everything works reasonably well? At least for the purpose of learning the software (nothing too serious or urgent)? Thanks!

P.S. I will be working with HDV and DV footage. If I get the Macbook, it will probably be the 2GHz with at least 1GB of RAM, maybe 2GB. If I get the Macbook Pro, I might have to stick with 1GB for a while to save money. I already have some fast external drives so HD space is not a concern.

Gunleik Groven
October 11th, 2006, 01:42 AM
Go for the Pro. You won't regret it.
(We have both here)

I bought a FW 800 card for the MBP to have two independent buses and to run FW drives. No hickups.

No issuses with Motion.

Simply works (and I really dislike the shiny MB screen for editing)

You will miss the other Gb of RAM pretty soon in either case, but that's upgradeable, the mainboard isn't.


William Hohauser
October 11th, 2006, 03:22 PM
MacBook Pro. No question.