View Full Version : slowing entire sequence

Michael Donne
December 5th, 2006, 05:25 AM
I have a hdv1080i aic sequence in fce hd3.5 of maybe 120 clips each averaging 2 seconds. half of these clips are running at shot speed, half have had speed modifications ranging in exreme cases from 200% to 50%. The sequence is complete with transitions.

When i play this sequence in fce it is just a tad too 'urgent'. when i make a dvd or a web version it seems to run even faster (slightly, like maybe 10%)

Can i apply a speed change (and how) to an entire sequence including transitions? Individually adjusting 120 clips to -10% of already varied speeds is tedious!

Also some individual clips (tripod pans thro approx 45deg' over 2 sec' of a static room)when slowed substantially have developed some 'stutter' along with a pretty soft mushy look. I believe 'smoothing' could help the stutter but dont know what sort of starting point adjustments to try, and i guess it will add to the mushyness. Does sharpening have any value here.....i see so little reference to it in these forums i wonder if everyone steers clear of it?


Sergio Barbosa
December 5th, 2006, 05:57 AM
Michael, create a new sequence with the same settinngs, drag that first sequence from the browser, on to the new one, and adjust the speed of the original sequence, as if it was an ordinary clip, inside the new sequence.

Michael Donne
December 5th, 2006, 09:45 AM
Ok, my sequence is a series of clips and when i drag it to a new project it is still a series of clips so i still have no access to modify speed. I think you're taking it for granted that im intelligent enough to do something in the course of this to reduce my series of clips to effectively one clip.......i'm not!?

Sergio Barbosa
December 5th, 2006, 10:05 AM
Ok then...

1. In the same project, create a new sequence (with the same settings)

2. Open the new sequence - which is empty

3. Go back to the browser and drag the original sequence into the new one. That is: From the browser window, drag the icon of the original sequence, and drop it inside the new sequence.

4. Now, inside the new sequence, you only have 1 clip, which is the original sequence

5. Change the speed of that clip (the original sequence) to whatever you wish.

6. What you want is probably something like what's in the picture I attached

There you go... I hope it's clear!
Good luck.

Michael Donne
December 5th, 2006, 11:04 AM
Sergio, you are a star, thank you.

The key bit i missed was to open a new sequence IN THE SAME PROJECT.

In half hour after its rendered i'll hopefully have a tidy slowdown !

Thanks again.

Sergio Barbosa
December 5th, 2006, 12:54 PM
Sergio, you are a star, thank you.

The key bit i missed was to open a new sequence IN THE SAME PROJECT.

In half hour after its rendered i'll hopefully have a tidy slowdown !

Thanks again.
You're welcome...

If you slow it down by just a little, it should be ok, otherwise, you reaaly should go through it clip by clip... but let's no think of that ;)