View Full Version : how to do the jerky fast movement like in The Grudge or The Ring?

David Garvin
April 17th, 2007, 09:36 PM
You know, when the scary people suddenly rush up behind the good guys!

I don't have these films on DVD, so my memory of the movement might be a little skewed from reality, but my memory is that it's more than just a fast movement. My memory is that there is a kind of jerky movement to the speed-up.

My guess is that I could do something like this by removing frames, but that sounds tedious. Does anybody know of a plugin or transition or instructions on doing this kind of effect.


Victor Kellar
April 17th, 2007, 09:40 PM
You might want to try not only adjust the speed, but cutting a few frames out here and there to acheive the jerkiness

The trick is how not to affect the other people in the shot ... that would require some masking, I would imagine. If the person in the forefront, the "good guy" is not moving, that would make it easier

David Garvin
April 17th, 2007, 09:46 PM
Yeah, and I think the sound effects used in these films (particularly during this movement) also really add to the creepiness of these moments.

I'm just hoping there is some kind of plugin to do this, or some 'instructions', because I'd rather not go through the trial and error process of cutting out frames and reinventing the wheel :)

Robert Kirkpatrick
April 18th, 2007, 08:34 AM
My understanding is that you film the actor moving very slowly. Then ramp it up in post. The jerky movement comes naturally from the awkwardness of moving slowly. At least, this method worked for one of my films. It's even more jerky if you have the actor moving backwards and reverse the movement in post.

I believe in the Grudge and the Ring, they also used higher speed cameras, but I could be wrong.

David Garvin
April 18th, 2007, 10:24 AM
Thanks Robert, I hadn't even thought of that. You saved me some wheel-reinvention already!