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-   -   Does Sony EX1-R flip/flop the signal?? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-xdcam-ex-pro-handhelds/483647-does-sony-ex1-r-flip-flop-signal.html)

Bruce Schultz August 21st, 2010 05:27 PM

Does Sony EX1-R flip/flop the signal??
A question about this came up this weekend. If anyone who has one or has used one utilizing this feature could chime in and let me know if it actually does perform this flip/flop feature and is it applied to the output HDSDI signal or just to the viewfinder. The original EX1 doesn't do this so this question only applies to the "R" version.

Thanks for any info

Alister Chapman August 22nd, 2010 10:54 AM

Yes, flip, flop or both. Records flipped/flopped and sends flipped/flopped over the outputs.

Bruce Schultz August 22nd, 2010 05:17 PM

Thank you Mr. Chapman

Stephan Hubenthal August 23rd, 2010 02:42 AM

Sorry, I have this camera - and had the non-R-version before - but I have no idea what this feature is about... Would you mind to to explain?

Thank you

Walter Brokx August 23rd, 2010 12:58 PM

@ Stephan:

if you use a 'simpler' 35mm adapter which doesn't flop the image, the image will arrived upsidedown in your camera. Flopping the image with mirrors and lenses in an adapter will 'cost' you light. Without that part, you'll have more light, but you had to flop the image in post.
By flopping it electronicly in camera you will save both light and render/conversion time.

(A 35mm-adapter enables you to use 35mm (photography)lenses)

And offcourse you can flip/flop images if you want to, just because it is possible ;-)

Olof Ekbergh August 23rd, 2010 01:18 PM

Flipping is also used in some 3D rigs where you need to mount one camera upside down (the left one) to get them next to each other at the right distance. This means you don't have to do it in post.

Walter Brokx August 23rd, 2010 01:41 PM

Olof is right: I totally forgot about the stereoscopic mirrorrig...

Stephan Hubenthal August 23rd, 2010 02:11 PM

Walter and Olof, thank you for your perfect explanation. That was just a pure language barrier, with this term I was initialy caught in the world of electronic circuits and logic components…


I had never heard of flip-flops before in terms of inverting the image. So now I know that this word belongs into the same chamber where English natives keep their “seesaws” too ;-).

Duncan Craig August 25th, 2010 05:11 AM

On the subject of 35mm adapters, what the current best option for EX's? Letus Ultimate?
The M3 still hasn't been released has it?

Cheers, Duncan.

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